OpenBSD Journal

RSS feeds of commits to the stable branches

Contributed by Sam Smith on from the brad-get-to-work dept.

I've created a set of RSS feeds for commits to the OpenBSD stable branches. Available here, they get updated shortly after the email announcing the commit gets filed somewhere that I'll read it when slacking. Given the number of people who've never actually done this, no one is probably interested; although from the number of people who talk about it, they may well be.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    By the way, is there somewhere a real openbsd-source-changes mailing list ?

    I mean, not only with the commit logs, but with the actual patches ?
    (always had wanted this, to read on what happens really, learn and review).

    About the RSS feeds: nice idea, thanks !

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > I mean, not only with the commit logs, but with the actual patches ?
      > (always had wanted this, to read on what happens really, learn and review).

      You could always go and check cvsweb to see the actual patch.
      Too bad there's a time delay of a few hours... (cvsweb of course doesn't sync continuosly with the main cvs server)

    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > I mean, not only with the commit logs, but with the actual patches ?
      > (always had wanted this, to read on what happens really, learn and review).

      I have same need. Read commit log and `diff -u' of changes.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > I have same need. Read commit log and `diff -u' of changes.

        if you do this make it "diff -uNp"

        I might even use RSS if that happens :-)

    3. By guly ( on

      > By the way, is there somewhere a real openbsd-source-changes mailing list ?

      of course!
      cvs commit to -stable on your email, service kindly offered by spatof and openbeer.

  2. By Floor ( on

    RSS feeds are a great way to keep me from my work.
    I just love RSS :)

  3. By Juanjo ( on

    Great idea!

    Sometimes I miss some of those features supported directly from official obsd page... but with the RSS for the errata, those feeds are pretty useful.

    Thanks Sam!

  4. By kokamomi ( on

    the only thing i get is a regular view of a given cvsweb directory, looking very much like HEAD, not stable. what was your "service" intending to do, anyway?

    i'm not sure the url that you provide is valid, eg:

    maybe it should be something like this?

  5. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Nice idea

  6. By Venture37 ( venture37 # hotmail dot com on doesnt work


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