Contributed by robert on from the fight them dept.
The current story is all about vendor-compiled binary drivers.
These vendors are trying to force us to use their binary only drivers and they do not even bother to release source code or documentation of their drivers.
It is really hard to write good device drivers without documentation so there are two ways ahead of us.
In the past couple of months the nfe(4) binary driver has been reverse engineered by two of our developers.
And yes... they *did not get any* documentation or help from NVIDIA.
It is really important for OpenBSD to only include dirvers that are fully
open source because this way everyone is allowed to check the quality of the code,
or look for bugs and fix them. There is no way to do these in blobs.
So the basic story of the 3.9 song is the following:
Blobby was found as a baby on an beach, washed to shore
like an oil slick.
He grew up and started getting very rich, very greedy,
and everyone became addicted to his blobs.
Eventually everything was dependent on him.
Puffy tries to solve the blob problem, but finds out that
it has gone too far, and unless users start helping us
fight the blob, the blob will win.
You can also use a mirror for downloading the song instead
of using the main FTP server until the files are getting mirrored:
song39.ogg (main site)
song39.mp3 (main site)
song39.ogg (mirror site)
song39.mp3 (mirror site)
Please do not forget to support our project.
Thank you.
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By tmclaugh ( on
By xhrl.thomasw ( on
By polarizer ( on
From the B to the L to the O the B!!!one111eleven
the polarizer
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By almeida ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Sure, the Linux kernel people could take a stand, but they built the LKM framework that allows blobs to be so easy to use with Linux systems and don't seem to want to remove it (understandably, as there are, arguably, some merits to it).
You know, that all just sounds like a bunch of whining, but, in the end, I'm confident that those vendors who want our business enough will release the necessary hardware specs (after all, it doesn't really cost them any money to publish a ps/pdf file), and I'll buy their hardware when I have a need. And, with a little luck (and some public exposure), closed vendors will see their revenue stream slacken just enough to investigate.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Or potentially they can get the source, since they wouldn't have a problem with NDAs and other forms of secrecy. But yeah, windows has enough market share that bad drivers reflect badly on the hardware vendors (not that that's a perfect solution) and any other software-only vendor has their profits directly tied to hardware support so there's not much else you can expect.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
What`s about FIRMAWARE?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Aren't the terms "solid front" and "linux" somewhat of an oxymoron when used together?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
The only ones undermined are themselves. They claim to promote freedom, but they're doing the opposite.
My interpretation of this 3.9 song is a short history on Blob infecting Open Source:
"Little baby Blobby was a cute little baby when we found him on the beach..."
In the beginning, hardware vendors weren't too keen on supplying even binary drivers to GNU/Linux; however, goodwill came to those vendors who did.
"Thin edge of the wedge? But everybody was so happy - about Blob"
As more hardware support increased, the GNU/Linux community was ecstatic to see some form of hardware support for their beloved OS, and ignored the consequences simultaneously.
"Blob was popular at school he was helpful too
He could get your motor runnin' with a drop of goo"
Enthusiasts in their own time started to convert public schools to use GNU/Linux and move away from Windows.
"But by the time he graduated Blob was business slime!"
This was when IBM and their ilk started to cash in on GNU/Linux and promoted Open Source.
"Now everybody had it they was drivin' around
They was givin' up their freedoms for convenience now"
Linus' switch to BitKeeper, etc.
And the rest of the song is what you see today...
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Han ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By SleighBoy ( on
What I want to know is, who does the illustrations that go with them. And are vector versions of such items as the wire-frame puffy available? The OpenBSD "Art" page is a little lean.
By jolan ( on
By SleighBoy ( on
By toxa ( on
this song is definitevely hit my car audio system for the next few days ;)
By Jeff S. ( on
Delicious! Certainly one of the best songs so far.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By cam ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
As far as I know Matrox does support developers (correct me if I`m wrong..).
So if you donīt play games no need to use ATI,NVida...
Maybe OT: Is there ANY graficcard with 3D acceleration and open-source drivers? Maybe included in X-org already?
By Nate ( on
By tedu ( on
By tedu ( on
there's no 3d for openbsd, but that's not the fault of the manufacturers.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
You can read the details within the wiki, but as I understand it OpenBSD first needs a kernel DRM, that is Direct Rendering Manager not Digital Rights Management. That piece handles the messy direct hardware access stuff, and then the X server handles the translation of OpenGL or X protocol commands into the hardware specific actions (AGP interface, etc.)
The nvidia binary drivers accomplish the same goal but have nothing to do with DRI and do not use it.
I seem to recall that DRI is running experimentally under NetBSD, but I know of no effort to do the same for OpenBSD.
DRI is not the only option for getting accelerated 3D under X, there is also the Utah GLX project which looks like it would be substantially easier to port to OpenBSD (there is no kernel module needed for example). Unfortunately their web page is not modified for almost 3 years now.
By sthen ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Matthias Kilian ( on
And you needed that binary shit not only for 3D stuff, but e.g. to use the DVI port of a card with analog and digital output.
By Marcin Wilk ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
And likewise a list of manufacturers which dont, so we know who to contact and complain to?
If not I think making those two lists along with some basic info about these things would be a necessary first step to make the masses aware of the problem and hopefully help.
I know the devs rather code than write and maintain lists, so thats not what I suggesting. It would be nice if they could explain a bit more about the problem (like they have on the left side of the lyrics page) along with what type of documentation they need, so that less knowledgeable people, like myself, can help out.
Something like the donation page, but instead of instructions to where to send money there would be information about the problem and how to go about in order to help out.
I had no idea about this problem before the 3.9 release, would be really nice if there was a url you could pass around to your friends to make them aware of that OpenBSD is fighting this battle and instructions of how they can help.
By sng ( on
By Charles ( on
And alternate would be XGI, but ATI just bought them and it looks like the Volari series of graphics cards is going to get dropped. XGI supposedly had OSS drivers for their cards, including DRI.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Nate ( on