OpenBSD Journal

BSDCan 2006 program annnounced

Contributed by Dan Langille on from the dept.

The program for BSDCan 2006 has been released. Please visit the website to see the great line of speakers for BSDCan 2006. The schedule of events will be released at a later date and it will follow a similar format to last year.


The conference dates are May 12-13 and that the tutorials will be in the day or two before the conference.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    shouldn't it be renamed to FreeBSDCan?

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      Its not the conferences fault that very few openbsd and netbsd people offered to do presentations.

    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      There is still plenty to interest users of other BSDs, sharing ideas, and the general comeradery that comes with having using a common sane license.

    3. By Dan Langille ( on

      We accepted every OpenBSD and NetBSD proposal. If you want more OpenBSD at BSDCan, submit a proposal.

  2. By Roman ( on

    Any chance for an OpenBSD BOF ???

    1. By Bob Beck ( on

      Almost certainly. I'm actually on the program committee and would be happy to put a BOF together, however only if I am actually there, and I'm not going to commit to being there unless I can bring my wife along, as May 12 is our wedding anniversary :) The decision on that is currently
      based on her job situation which may be resolved soon.

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