Contributed by jolan on from the omg-wtf-cds dept.
Any bets on how long it will take for reports of broken plastic tabs to show up?
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jolan on from the omg-wtf-cds dept.
Any bets on how long it will take for reports of broken plastic tabs to show up?
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By Noryungi ( n o r y u n g i @ y a h o o . c o m on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By X ( on
By Spank Rabbit ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
It'd be nice to hang the poster up in our shop...
By scarynetworkguy ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By scarynetworkguy ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
How about ...
STOP YOUR WHINING ... its a goddamn jewel case!!
You can buy a dozen of them for a buck ... get over it.
By thomasw.xhrl ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Then again, they weren't exactly jewel case, but plastic cd cases which I have found to be infinately stronger than those jewel cases. I know they have the slim 100 pack jewel cases for about 20 bucks.
By tedu ( on
By Old3n ( on
If you look at the OpenBSD 3-CD pack (you bought them right?), you'll notice a BIG STICKER covering the back + sides. I wish you good luck to either
* find another 3-CD sleeve that is mechanically compatible with OpenBSD's (to replace the center piece holding the 2 first CDs, not perfect but a good start), or
* peel off the existing back label to move it to a healthy case.
If there was a way for me to get the CDs without the so-far incredibly fragile (too cheap?) jewel case but WITH its back sticker, I'd be just happy getting my own case... <hint hint>
By Peter ( on
My worry is if/when the CD case breaks in transit, the bits might scratc the CD. (And before anyone thinks this is just me being paranoid, it actually has happend to me once with a music CD ordered from Amazon.)
By Cracked Case Monkey ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By rlh ( on
from the looks of it's going to be shit brown...
call me crazy, but i, for one, would <3 it if all upcoming shirts took the henry ford approach (ie, any color you want, so long as it's black).
irregardless, i've ordered my CD, shirt, and made my donation. suck on that.
By escapenguin ( e s c a p e at boo dot net on
By Wim ( on
I've been going extreme lenghts now to package the CDs, they are put in a padded
envelope, a carboard one and then another padded envelope. That makes over 4 layers of
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Erik Carlseen ( on
By escapenguin ( on
By Rod Whitworth ( ash1 at witworx dot com on
The hubs are tall enough to hold 2 CDs and interlock with each other when the case is closed so that the hub is quite a strong structure.
I promised a few weeks back to send one off to Austin but an email to him elicited no reply. If anybody remedies that lack of information I intend to Airmail a sample containing 4 CDs to see how well it travels to Milk River.
It is already packed in a standard Australia Post cardboard CD mailer and as soon as I have an address it goes.
It is used on magazine covers here in OZ and survives very well. I beat on it by putting CDs in and rapping the edge of the closed case on a hard table top. No damage to case or CDs.
C'mon somebody. I'm prepared to pay to ship this loaded sample to get rid of the noise and handle more content if another CD is needed.
I'm sick of talking about it and hearing about lug breaks so I'm doing something.
Next step? An address, PLEASE!
By Nikademus ( nikademus at on
By escapenguin ( on
By pete gilman ( pete p3t3 net on seems reasonable that openbsd could use them too. i personally would prefer paper sleeves, for both practical and ideological reasons.
for the record (because i think some of the posters here are missing this): it's not just the two tabs which hold on the covers that break; it's also the small internal tabs which clip the cds into the case. because it's a 3-cd set, they're smaller and more fragile than the type you see in single-cd cases.
i don't use the cds, myself; i just buy them to support the project, and as sort of a souvenir, since i think of myself as an openbsd enthusiast. still, it would be nice to have more professional, robust packaging.
just my 2 rappen.
- pete g
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By scarynetworkguy ( on
By blade8086 ( on
I had the broken tabs thing happen for all my cd's on all my orders,
3.4 (after the us funding drop) -> 3.7.
This time, I ordered a t-shirt to go along with the cd's..
and -all- the tabs were there.. Not sure if I can afford it
every time, but a possibility perhaps for those with broken-tabitis.