OpenBSD Journal

EuroBSD Conference Registrations and Schedule

Contributed by dhartmei on from the conferences dept.

Fred Crowson writes:

The EuroBSD Conference is now accepting registrations. The conference program has been released and there are talks by Henning Brauer, Ryan McBride, Claudio Jeker, Ted Unangst, Niall O'Higgins & Uwe Stehler, to mention a few, and a Tutorial on Implementing and deploying wireless networks using hostapd by Reyk Floeter.

Come to Basel, Switzerland for the EuroBSD Conference 25 to 27 November 2005.

And Marc Balmer adds:

The overall rich and interesting program has been announced. Regular entry for just under 200EUR and very reasonable hotel rates are available for the early birds. Basel (BSL) is an EasyJet hub, so you can fly in at low cost.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By mike ( on

    It would be nice to have tickets for a single day. I can understand 50-100€ a day, but the monolithic single pricing policy is sure to keep a few folks away imho.

    Say I just want to attend Reyk's wireless workshop on Friday, I have to shell out in excess of 400€ + VAT + transport ...

    1. By Wim ( on


      I can understand your comment but let me shed some light here:

      The big issue was to keep the price low for all attendents, so by offering the 'bulk' price, the conference is overall cheaper for people attending for the whole weekend.

      If you are interested in Reyks talk, you will probably want to meet more people and see the other talks anyways, traveling all the way for just a Friday seemed to the organisers like a strange choice.

      Selling a single day ticket is not in line with the purpose of the event: it's supposed to be a yearly meeting of minds, BSD users and the like coming together for tutorials, talks and workshops. Oh and drinks.

      That is why there is also a social event, the idea is to bring people together and communicate.

      Coming for just a tutorial sounds so boring, stay for the weekend and have a few drinks on me ;-)


      1. By mike ( on

        While I understand your explanation, I still feel that the assumption seems to be that participants will come from outside Switzerland and have the desire/time/funds to be there for the full duration of the event. Which is not the case for yours truly.

        Morever, the overall organizational cost of the event won't be decreased by not selling day tickets. All it does is make people like me think twice about coming at all.

        As the point would seem to be bringing together BSD users, and possibly showcasing BSD for the others, I find that people shouldn't be locked out by monolithic pricing. I'm sorry, I just don't see the advantage of doing so. If 30 people decide not to come it's already a significant amount of money lost.

        For me, it's not worth shelling out 500-600 CHF, however interesting the talks or drinks, because it's half of a new amd64 laptop that I need more urgently at this point.

        Anyway, just my rant but I hope it's a fine event. Hopefully, I'll be able to take up your beer offer at a later time ;)

    2. By Marc Balmer ( on

      Whereas the tutorials surely are of general interest, there is only a limited number of seats available in each tutorial. We want to have these seats available for conference attendees in the first place. Maybe you want to contact me in private to discuss this issue? We might even find a solution then.


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