Contributed by jolan on from the pf-on-a-disc dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jolan on from the pf-on-a-disc dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Niclas Sodergard ( on
By tDk ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Josh Grosse ( on
By RC ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By lb008d ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Archite ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By phessler ( on
Your comment: This is stealing from the OpenBSD project in all but name, and I'm very disappointed that Undeadly would run this.
Is this slashdot now? Do you not even read the story? Good god man, learn how to read.
By SH ( on
By Jim ( on
Having a complete system that just uses ram on the CD allows one to do things like boot from a Windows machine and ssh to home computers while traveling or at family computers.
What the article didn't mention was how to add the packages you want before you burn the CD. I guess I'll go back and try it, since I _Use_ OpenBSD, I don't _develop_ it and I rarely ever download the source and compile stuff.
I would hope that the knowledge and experience of others is collected and posted somewhere
By thomasw.xhrl ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Just today, I was fighting with an old machine. It was too old to run Suse 9.3 (which is a great desktop OS) and I couldn't get Minislack to install on it. So I thought, "Ok, time to try out OpenBSD again."
Installation was just as fast and easy as I remember it. You do need to know how to partition disks, you do need to use the not-very-intuitive text-based installation, but those are really not that hard to do for experienced users and I got the entire system up and running X and TWM very quickly.
It takes me back to the old old Unix days to see something running X with TWM. I actually like it. I figured out how to use pkg_add to get Firefox installed, and now everything is moving along.
My problem right now is that I'm trying to get emacs (with X) running and it can't find libungif, and I can't find that in the packages list. Any idea what's going on with that? I could just compile emacs from source but it would be better to use packages, I think.
I'm also working on getting Kaffe going on it, and I'm going to start testing all my Java apps (I'm a Java developer) on Kaffe/OpenBSD so I can have another platform option.
Anyway, OpenBSD is cool and I'm going to start using it more, alongside Linux. Maybe I will try it next on a modern machine and try KDE on it.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
As for libungif... If you can't find it on FTP just build it from ports... I haven't really used pkg_add for anything except packages I build myself on other machines.
As for java... you know you can use sun's JDK in ports after a few patches and EULA click-throughs, right? Just might as well mention that, as it can be more comprehensive than kaffe/classpath.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Thanks for the info on that.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
cd /usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.4
Should give you instructions and URLs.
Basically you will need to download both JDK 1.3 and 1.4.2 for Linux to bootstrap the build. Make sure you download 1.4.2, not 1.4.2-8 or whatever the current patchlevel is. Then you will need the source code to JDK 1.4.2 and BSD specific patches. Again, URLs for all of this stuff are in the ports tree and should show up when you type "make" without the proper distfiles.
It's a long process but in the end you get a native JDK 1.4 for OpenBSD. I'd give you the resulting package file but A. it's large and I have a slow connection and B. it would technically be illegal for me to give it to you. :P
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Despite the anti-Java attitude that I have detected in many of the *BSD crowd, Java is a great fit with OpenBSD. OpenBSD provides a very secure and stable basic platform and Java provides a heavy layer of isolation for applications. Tomcat is also a great way to develop web applications.
At some point I'm also going to see how it goes with gij (etc) on OpenBSD. They are all making good progress.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
.if ${MODJAVA_VER:S/+//} == "1.3"
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS?= arm i386 powerpc
.elif ${MODJAVA_VER:S/+//} == "1.4"
.elif ${MODJAVA_VER:S/+//} == "1.5"
By Anonymous Coward ( on
At any rate, I look forward to trying out 1.5 in 3.8 this fall.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
I prefer C, but java is a nice language. It feels like a non-schizophrenic version of C++.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
This hardware is a PII, and Suse 9.3 is really not usable on it, but OpenBSD 3.7 is just fine, and Firefox and everything else runs just fine. In fact, once I put the sets on a web server on the LAN here, I reinstalled, and it takes almost as long to install OpenBSD as it does to boot Linux. Ok, I'm exaggerating just a little, but really not very much. Installation is not intuitive, but it's not difficult for someone who knows what he's doing (a little bit).
I also did get Kaffe 1.1.5 to compile and I'm making progress in getting Tomcat 5.5 to run with that version of Kaffe. Once I have that set up I'll have a great alternative to Linux for my Java web applications.
At some point I'm going to try to make a real package of Kaffe 1.1.5 to replace the crusty old Kaffe package that OpenBSD has now. Really, 1.0.6 (or whatever) is several years out of date at this point. And once 1.1.5 is working with Tomcat I may also be able to make a Tomcat package that has no dependencies on Sun's JDK.
So anyway, my conclusion is that OpenBSD is cool and a good choice to have alongside Linux. It will probably never have an Official Sun JDK release, which means that getting the rest of my Java tools like NetBeans running on OpenBSD may be a huge amount of work. Hopefully I'll have time to undertake that work at some point and then we'll have another great Java development and deployment platform.
By Anonymous ( on
Now I am sorry that I have lost about two years not using OpenBSD. Why I haven't used it? Because of stupid rumours that OpenBSD is hard to install - I was afraid!
It's much easier to install than any of the Linuxes. Of course if you don't mind text-based install process.
And KDE runs just perfect.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
i think i find the problem, use this command can solve the problem,
"kvm_mkdb /bsd", or edit /etc/rc "perl -i -pe 's,kvm_mkdb,kvm_mkdb /bsd,'"
the kvm_mkdb(8) say:
If no file is specified, /bsd is used by default
but "/usr/src/usr.sbin/kvm_mkdb/kvm_mkdb.c" is use "_PATH_KSYMS"(/dev/ksyms) by default
on my harddrive system, both "kvm_mkdb /bsd" and "kvm_mkdb /dev/ksyms" work
but on my liveCD system, this work "kvm_mkdb /bsd",
but this NOT work "kvm_mkdb /dev/ksyms" (i use root)
By Anonymous Coward ( on