OpenBSD Journal

Hackathon 2005 started

Contributed by mk/reverse on from the moose-meat-powered-code-production dept.

As most of you probably know, this year's hackathon has started and lots of developers have arrived in Calgary to make things happen. We plan to provide coverage about some of the many interesting things that take place there in both the source tree and in real life. Also, Kjell Wooding is reporting day-to-day at Kerneltrap.

The traditional Moose-meating was yesterday and there are some pictures from Robert Nagy and Matthieu Herrb.

While things are still taking shape, some cool stuff has already happened such as Reyk Floeter committing support for trunking (link aggregation and link failover) of network interfaces.

Lots of other cool stuff will also happen, and you can help by subscribing to tech@ and test the patches that are sent out, such as Ted Unangst's UVM diff, or providing the OSPF capable router that Esben Nørby and Claudio Jeker needed at one point.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Michael Knudsen ( on

    Thanks to those of you who notified us of Kjell's posts to KernelTrap.

    1. By Bert ( blambert at thepresidency dot org on

      No complimentary mini bar?

      OpenBSD must be in worse financial shape than I thought... ;)

      1. By Nick Holland ( on

        NO ONE has the kinda money to provide this group unlimited free drinks!

        1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

          Nick, did you go this time around?

          1. By Nick Holland ( on

            nope. I don't drink, so I'll never be a "real" OpenBSD developer. :)

            (maybe next year. I'll have money and vacation time).

        2. By Janne Johansson ( on

          No shit, I and Johan M Lindman sponsored Henning@ when he was in Stockholm,
          which made our calc-progs go "divide-by-zero" and there was only him,
          hin@ and a couple of slow drinkers there.

          Henning seems to have a knack for converting beer-based alcohol into code.

  3. By Matthias Kilian ( on

    I don't hope mickey and henning will be the first candidates for drunkandlostincalgary@

    1. By phessler ( on

      I believe everyone that was drunk and lost in calgary found their way back to the hackrooms.

      when I went (in 2003), we had to use the map on the back of my shirt, to figure out where the hell the hotel was.

  4. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    All I can say is wow ... I tried the fix on my laptop. The performance increase is pretty darn impressive. Good work fellas! -

  5. By Anthony Roberts ( on

    That CUUG talk was awesome. Thanks everyone. :)


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