OpenBSD Journal

CanSecWest/core05 and Security Masters Dojo announcements

Contributed by grey on from the hey that was MY idea for infosec training, seriously! dept.

Dragos Ruiu, who has organized the CanSecWest and PacSec security conferences, and has always had some OpenBSD developers in attendance and speaking - is offering something a new and different this year. In addition to core05, which yours truly will be attending, he is offering several low enrollment, high involvement "Security Masters Dojo" courses from top level infosec experts in a variety of security disciplines. This appears to be a unique, and welcome approach to security training. The lucky individuals who register for the courses before they fill up I'm sure are in for quite a treat.

The complete announcement for the Security Masters Dojo taking place on May 3rd and 4th in Vancouver, may be found here:

Similarly, be sure to check for details on CanSecWest/core05, which will begin just after the Security Masters Dojo sessions end on May 4th continuing through the 6th.

For those curious about the relevance of these conferences to OpenBSD in particular. In the current roster, 江藤博明 Hiroaki Eto (etoh@) will be speaking during core05 on "Stack Protection Systems", notably ProPolice. And, while none of the Security Masters Dojo courses are focusing on OpenBSD specifically, it should be pointed out that Brian Caswell (bmc@) will be pairing up with Marty Roesch on the "Advanced IDS deployment and Signature Creation" course.

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