Contributed by jose on from the whacky-behavior dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jose on from the whacky-behavior dept.
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By Alejandro Belluscio () on
By Michael () on
I had a strange problem around 3.2-3.3 where my machine after an undefined amount of time (over a week at least) would stop forwarding packets. Reloading the pf ruleset would fix things. However, after around 41 days (this happened two or three times for me), reloading pf rulesets did not help and tcpdump showed no outgoing traffic. This _only_ occurred on the device on which NAT was performed. However, if I stopped dhclient and restarted it, it had no trouble in getting an address from my ISP.
Wyrd. Never found out what was wrong. I upgraded to 3.3 after a while and then the problem never occurred again.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By djm () on
By Alejandro G. Belluscio () on
By dnns () on
i found out two things. the first is /etc/mygate. so i wrote a script to check the gateway:
# /etc/diffgate
GATE_IP=`route show | grep link#1 | grep -v :: | awk '{ print $1 }'`
MY_GATE=`cat /etc/mygate`
if [ $MY_GATE != $GATE_IP ]; then
echo $GATE_IP > $MY_GATE
route add default $GATE_IP > /dev/null 2>&1
i called this script /etc/diffgate, and then i put in /etc/rc.local the following:
# diffgate
if [ -x /etc/diffgate ]; then
echo -n ' diffgate'; /etc/diffgate > /dev/null 2>&1
and of course i need to do a "chmod +x /etc/diffgate && chown root:bin /etc/diffgate"
second it can be that somebody's spoofing your ip. try to force to get a new lease.
By Anonymous Coward () on
The solution I figured was to ask the ISP for a specific lease time instead of just the default. Within your dhclient.conf, add the line:
# is the number of seconds the lease
# will stay active.
send dhcp-lease-time ;
Also check your ttyC0 or log files for any kind of errors dhclient may produce.
By Anonymous Coward () on
Admins: Maybe we should have a preview functionality? Also, when posting in plain text mode, maybe the post should be put in html pre tags, to avoid resolution of html tag like content?
Anyway, here is the dhclient.conf addition idea again:
# $seconds is the number of seconds the lease
# will stay active.
send dhcp-lease-time $seconds;
By Scott () on
From my logs:
Dec 2 07:54:45 myserver dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on fxp1 to 209.x.x.x port 67
Dec 2 07:54:45 myserver dhclient: DHCPACK from 209.x.x.x
Dec 2 07:54:45 myserver dhclient: bound to 4.x.x.x-- renewal in 7200 seconds.
about 8 minutes later (08:02:55) the internet had gone down and someone triggered the dhclient restart script I wrote. No errors or anything from dhclient during that time. Weird.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
I've also seen my ISP give me a new IP address and i don't get a new gateway. I have to delete the /etc/mygate file manually, reboot and hope that it works (sending hup to dhclient doesn't seem to do the trick)
this is on a 3.3 stable box, and I had it with previous versions of obsd. I haven't upgraded my firewall to 3.4 yet so I don't know how that will react.
By Anonymous Coward () on
Its only really useful if you have internal DNS running and want your router to know that you plan to refer to it. Or, you are incredably anal about the nameing of your machines and hate it when your isp tells your router to call itself some boring string of gibberish that only their net admin could love.
2. IIRC, neither dhcpd nor dhclienbt can be hupped, you have to kill them and restart them.
By Anonymous Coward () on
I hadn't heard that about dhclient not being able to be hupped, but that could explain why it never works for me :)
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
dhclient bogus yiaddr
Check your logs and see if you get any messages from your dhclient that wouldn't renew your lease. If so try updating dhcp on the machine or upgrade to 3.4
By j0rd () on
By Scott () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Ian McWilliam () on
ethernet Adsl line.
NO DHCP configured (not needed).
PPPOE, PPP and the tun driver are the potiental areas that need looking into.
I see dropouts at similar times. Haven't had time to investigate or upgrade the box to 3.4 yet.
By Anonymous Coward () on
Periodically (every 6 weeks or to couple of months, haven't recorded) the system loses connectivity. Further investigation reveals that the routing table is blank. No routes and no IP addresses shown. A simple reboot clears the porblem, I always assumed it was DHCP failing to renew before the lease ran out.
Any thoughts/ideas?
By Anonymous Coward () on