Contributed by jose on from the swag dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jose on from the swag dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Noryungi () n o r y u n g i @ y a h o o . c o m on mailto:n o r y u n g i @ y a h o o . c o m
The artwork and slogan of this one is... er... really political...
I strongly suspect the entire OpenBSD crew is flipping the finger in the general direction of the DARPA people who recently cut their financial support of the project... =)
By Nate () on
The crypto shirts with the Ben Franklin saying were very much the same way. Not to mention the hackathon shirt.
Unfortunately, I don't see myself wearing a shirt with a drunken fish on it.
By Pete () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
OpenBSD is so easy to admin you can do it while you're drunk. Not me I tell ya!
Good work guys can't wait to get the new artwork and my bright shiny c.d.'s
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Gimlet () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
(yes, ignorant and not stupid in this case, as I'm sure Theo hasn't spent years studying the factors involved in the current world situation as those who have a right to blabber their opinion on the subject have)
Give us a break Theo; if there are two things you know nothing about, it's security and foreign policy.
By Anonymous Coward () on
And when you can find a free OS with a better security record, then maybe your little crack will hold more water.
Give me a break, if there are two things you know nothing about, it's your a$$ and a hole in the ground!
By Anonymous Coward () on
You can spout off whatever opinion you like, however if you know nothing about the subject you are blabbering about (as is Theo's case, I was not talking about you, though I wouldn't be surprised if your university shared the same ignorant leftist beliefs as Theo does), you should 1) shut up and certainly 2) do not put your ignorant beliefs on tshirts and posters that have nothing to do with your stupidity.
It's a power play for Theo, just like celebrities.
By Anonymous Coward () on
And being asked by you to "shut up" will have as much effect on me as your troll will on dissuading anyone from using OpenBSD. Just how did your fabulous intellect come up with Theo's comments being a "power play"? He lost a grant over that. Doesn't sound like any "power" was gained there.
And funny enough, a good friend of mine makes t-shirts and has made a killing with anti-war and anti-Bush slogans. He gets hate mail from shills like you, but he keeps selling more and more.
By majestic1 () on
Theo continually tarnishes his own project. He may think he's a rebel or maybe he just doesn't give a shit. Either way I think it hurts the OBSD community.
By Anonymous Coward () on
That's because you're not the boss of your project. Theo on the other hand, is the boss of the OpenBSD project.
By Krunch () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anthony () on
DARPA was sending the very political message that you can disagree with them only if you keep your mouth shut in public, or you don't get funding. If they'd said that to me, I probably would have said "Fuck that." as well, though I'm not sure I would have been quite so eloquent.
By tedu () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Heh. I'll bet you use a Dvorak keyboard...
By RC () on
Heh. I'll bet you use a Dvorak keyboard...
By Ex US weapons engineer / Ex US weapons engineer / () on
Nobody needs to spend years studying US foreign policy to see that the the US government is in fact, actually far far worse than Nazi Germany.
And all the while the US has extremely biased and controlled media. I HAVE SEEN, journalists being asked to leave government media conferences and then escorted out, because they asked some difficult questions. That is not freedom on the press.
By chill () on
Time to kill the thread.
By Nate () on
Though the United States as a whole is not a bad thing, it tends to play the roll of 'King of the Hill' (at times called the 'Alpha' or even 'Lord of the Rings' in even dorkier circles). The King of the Hill is the biggest and therefore can do as it pleases, and nobody can do anything to stop them.
They've done this since World War 2, there were two at one point and the Cold War ensued.
Is North Korea an axis of evil? Is China, Cuba, Syria or Libya? They sure aren't centres of purity and hope, but they're not out to destroy all the other nations of the world. However they do stand against the King.
Of course, that's likely just me.
By Anonymous Coward () on
The US does not normally throw it's weight around like has been happening recently. Up until George Bush Jr. took office, the US had never made an unprovoked attack on a country. Korea was a UN endeavor, and in Vietnam, it was believed that a US ship was fired upon. The Iraq/Kuwait conflict was, again, a UN venture. It's well-known why Afganistan was attacked, and not a single nation in the world objected to it. It's only the current occupation of Iraq that is being criticized, and rightfully so. However, I don't see how anyone can say that the US is a bully, when this is really the first time that it was just arbitrarily decided that force should be used.
> Is North Korea an axis of evil?
North Korea has issued some very clear, and very strong threats against the United States.
I never thought the US should have invaded Iraq, but I don't think military force would be out-of-line in N.Korea, if they maintain their current position. With the spectacle that is Iraq, I seriously doubt millitary action in any other country would get approved.
By Anonymous Coward () on
As Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, put it :
"War is just a racket. [snip] During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
By Anonymous Coward () on
>North Korea has issued some very clear, and very strong threats against the United States.
So this makes them evil?
Last I checked, being part of a conspiracy of pure evil constituted more than just a bunch of empty threats.
By chill () on
By Nate () on
By Valjean () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By casey roberts () on
By powerjabber () on
I'll get our company to buy a fistful of CDs, but man, when will the good looking polo shirts get expanded into some more variations? I know they don't produce as much profit as CD sales, but I sure love to wear my blue OpenBSD polo when I'm not wearing a tie to work.
So guys, next time try an experiment. DO a release that is non-political, non-sexual (ala Goldfinger or Puffy - Chix), just something that hits security and correctness straight on. See if the sales don't go up.
By Anil () avsm@ on mailto:avsm@
jeez ... take all of the fun out of it, why dont you?
By Krunch () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Naturally, the OpenBSD project requires funds to operate, due to Internet line costs and the same hardware upgrade issues everyone experiences. For this reason, the project sells CDROMs of our most recent release. The project also started making tshirts to fund the project. Thus, when you buy an OpenBSD CD or tshirt, whether at a conference, from one of our other locations, or from our CDROM ordering page, you are helping to increase the chance that OpenBSD will make future releases."
I guess they do, or they would never ask for money. So, as I said, make a shirt that doen't ruffle feathers if you want _everyone_ to buy it. I wouldn't expect McDonalds to advertise "If we think you're fat, we'll say Hi Fatso" and expect sales to go up. It is a _free market_ after all.
So in plain terms: If you want to make future releases, don't shoot yourself in the foot.
By Anonymous Coward () on
Anyhow, I'm not comfortable with the seemingly political message on the shirt. I actually think someone can take it either way, but I think it was meant a rather anti USG policy slant. Since I support the war effort, its not something I would wear.
But, really, who cares? I just won't buy it. I'll stick to my Penny Arcade shirts. Theo could have slapped a hammer and sickle on the shirts for all I care, I'll still use OBSD. I just won't buy the shirt.
It really shouldn't be a big deal to anyone. Quit your whining and go back to work.
By US murderers US murderers US murderers US murderer () on
You support the murder of innocent children and death of your courageous (perhaps naive) countrymen as being a fair expense for the theft of oil?
As Alex de Joode once said...
Just sad that americans make such a big deal out of 9/11.
And you wonder why ....
China (1945-46, 1950-53)
Korea (1950-53)
Guatemala (1954, 1967-69)
Indonesia (1958)
Cuba (1959-60)
Belgian Congo (1964)
Peru (1965)
Laos (1964-73)
Vietnam (1961-73)
Cambodia (1969-70)
Grenada (1983)
Libya (1986)
El Salvador (1980s)
Nicaragua (1980s)
Panama (1989)
Iraq (1991-99)
Bosnia (1995)
Sudan (1998)
Yugoslavia (1999)
Afghanistan (2001-2002)
Iraq (2003-current)
At least he DARPA money means two less cruise missiles,
and maybe saved lives of innocent iraqi citezens ....
Alex de Joode adejoode(at)
The worst is most certainly yet to come. If I were an innocent (insert "evil" ethnic race here) who had his home destroyed and his family killed, I would feel helpless against the US government, her gutless voting supporters and the other filthy supportive nations, that I would strap a bomb to myself and kill as many of them as I could too. Why not? What would I have to live for?
I say this, as someone who has worked with the higest levels of US military in the past.
By curious----------------------------sdfasfasasfasfa () on
By curious%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F%7F () on
How come the grandparent to this post did show the IP and everything else in this thread did?
By WooWoo () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
Harvet away my spambots! Bush and America SUCKS!
By Anonymous Coward () on
Over a half trillon dollar deficit didnt stop Bush from asking for $87B more for the war, so I doubt that the million or whatever dollars that went to openbsd in anyway shape or form helped the iraqi's.
By Josh () on
If you don't like the shirts/posters/etc. don't buy them. If you feel so strongly about theo's opinions on the USG, and you feel you can't support OpenBSD based on this reason, then stop posting here, and go somewhere else.
This bickering back and forth about political views is pointless, and accomplishes nothing you do/don't like the current shirts/ I really care? Nope.
In the words of my mother, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", as OpenBSD isn't around to comform to your idealogy's, whatever they may be. Secondly, its not about anything other than this: A quality OS that your depending on, or maybe even your corporation/organization depends on...
They disabled postings/replys once on, and that really pissed me off...but who can blaim them? As like most parts of life, its the one person who spoils it for the masses. Apparently some people didn't heed the warning by the deadly folks, and they are going to be the first people to bitch when they disable posts again. Sad. Sad. Sad.
By RC () on
It was Theo that was saying "please support us". Now, when people are saying why they aren't going to spend money on OpenBSD products, you aren't interested? That's fine with me, just don't ask me for money.
> If you feel so strongly about theo's opinions on the USG, and you feel you can't support OpenBSD based on this reason, then stop posting here, and go somewhere else.
When did become a site solely for paying customers of OpenBSD?
> This bickering back and forth about political views is pointless, and accomplishes nothing useful...
I don't see much bickering. I just see people making their opinion known, that they don't like the political statement on the shirt, and will not buy it for that reason.
Funny that you think Theo should be able to spread his opinions far and wide, but those with differing views should shut-up and go away.
> so you do/don't like the current shirts/ I really care? Nope.
Maybe not directly, but I think you will when the money stops comming in.
> "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"
Funny. That's the same thing Pres. Bush said...
> OpenBSD isn't around to comform to your idealogy's
OpenBSD isn't around to spread political opinions either. In fact, one of the goals is to be as non-political as possible.
> A quality OS that your depending on, or maybe even your corporation/organization depends on...
Be realistic now. OpenBSD has fans, and plenty of people certainly like it, but almost nobody can be said to depend on it, and very few companies depend on it.
By Anonymous Coward () on