OpenBSD Journal

dhcpd.conf syntax highlighting for jed

Contributed by Dengue on from the shane-has-gone-highlighting-crazy-again dept.

Shane Lahey writes : "Here's a great new JED syntax highlighting mode that I just finished for editing your /etc/dhcpd.conf file(s)

screenshots and download can be found at

try it! try it! try it! :-)"

I want to know when my thoughts will be syntax highlighted. Think of the errors I could prevent.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Shane Lahey () on

    Also added another three modes.

    Apache httpd.conf highlighting
    OpenSSL sshd_config highlighting
    PHP php.ini highlighting

    next will probably be BIND's named.conf highlighting...

    1. By Shane Lahey () on

      bahf! I was bored... ISC BIND configuration mode added...

      the time is now 4:20am ... time to get up in 2 hours... arrrrrrgggggggggggggg :-)

  2. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Pretty cool. Gives me something to tinker with today.

    1. By Anonymous () on

      Is this website so dead that I have to read a news telling that a new syntax highlighting file appeared?

      I *LOVE* BSD and it's kinda sad to read things like this :(

      1. By Shane Lahey () on

        what is even more sad is that you are reading it.... so it can't be that bad ;-)

        Just because you might not like highlighting modes does not mean that others do not...

        1. By Anonymous Coward () on

          he does have a point that this isn't really openbsd-related. Highlighting for pf.conf is, but dhcpd.conf isn't really openbsd-specific, is it?

          1. By Shane Lahey () on

            no, not OpenBSD specific... but OpenBSD does have it dosen't it?

            1. By Anonymous () on

              I'm reading this because I LOVE BSD.. but highlighting dhcp.conf is not really what I want to read in OPENBSD-Journal

              1. By Shane Lahey () on

                I *LOVE* OpenBSD as well, and i'm sure everybody else that comes to openbsd journal does as well, ... but isn't it nice to find a few things along the way that make life easier?

                You complain that you do not want to see this... but what about the 800+ visitors refered from since Aug. 9th that did want to see it or were at least some-what interested...?

              2. By OBSD Fan () on

                Well then, just skip over the article, stop whining, and write something worth inclusion in OpenBSD or on this site. I found it interesting, even though I don't yet use JED. And I love this site as well.

                1. By Shane Lahey () on

                  **Shane gives OBSD Fan a pat on the back** :)

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    I suppose this could be carried further to highlight desired lines in log files that you could load into JED, but does anyone know of a filter type program that could read the same conf files and display the highlighted text as a log file was passing by? It makes me wonder...


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