OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 3.3 song released

Contributed by jose on from the groove-out dept.

someone who wants to remain anonymous writes:

List:     openbsd-misc
Subject:  3.3 song released
From:     Theo de Raadt

Date:     2003-04-14 19:32:42

I have released the 3.3 song early.  It can be found at

As well, this time we have chosen to include a fraction of the
graphics that are found inside the CD package, where they graphically
tell the same story as found in the lyrics.

And buy a CD if you can, ok?  We may have gotten a DARPA grant, but
there are many limitations from that, and spending from that is rather


Download OpenBSD release songs and lyrics here. Available in MP3 and OGG formats."
Sweet! I think a bunch of people were rocking out to it yesterday, I'll have to give it a listen for myself.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    vampire omlette, kitten cake!

  2. By Me () on

    You rocks... either way!

  3. By George Harrisbone () on

    I'm pretty sure this is a cover of a MicroBSD song that they bundled with the last beta. I think the original words were "He's so fine...".

  4. By Anonymous Coward () on

    ...your favorite OS comes with a song for each release. :-)

  5. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Sounds kind of like Dio.

  6. By Anonymous Coward () on

    ...of any release is probably the song. Simply because I can share something of my OpenBSD with my non-BSD using friends. This is the best one released so far. Well done!

  7. By W () on

    I'm listening to it as I type this. Absolutely terrible - but cool. :D :D :D

  8. By duff mcgreen () on

    is it just me, or does it sound rubbish!?

    the goldflipper song was the best yet, but even that wasn't so good.


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