Contributed by jose on from the alternate-compilers dept.
"To get you out of the April fools-day insanity, here are news from the compiler-business:Getting TenDRA working cleanly and smoothly on OpenBSD is going to take a bit of work, so why not help out? This is a rough start, but a start nonetheless.People on the TenDRA-dev mailinglists reported success in compiling a working binary on OpenBSD/i386 in this thread: .
So far only compiling a simple "Hello World" or quicksort.c work, but Jeroen Ruigrok from the TenDRA dev team says in one of the mails:
"Start with small tools first, ls, cat, and the like. These will show TenDRA's problems quickly and also give you a test run on the OpenBSD sourcecode base in small doses."
So please give TenDRA a try on your OpenBSD box and help to make it an alternative compiler in /usr/ports/lang/. :)"
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By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Cormac Mannion () on
I thought the point of avoiding gpl software was to achieve higher functionality and in turn less stupidity. Maybe I'm crazy, but I am inclined to think that installing experimental software as a replacement for working (GPL, but working, nonetheless) software is a step in the opposite direction.
By Anonymous Coward () on
And where did you get that _stupid_ idea?
So maybe installing open source software, rather than the working, closed-source implimentation, is a step in the wrong direction to? We should all be using commercial software, because it works just well enough.
I'm wouldn't advocate OpenBSD sticking Tendra in the tree (in place of GCC) right now, but I would like to see it happen eventually.
Don't you remember the IPF fiasco? GPL just happens to be free enough to be tolerated this long. If a BSD-licensed alternative springs up, take it!
By Cormac Mannion () on
> So far only compiling a simple "Hello World" or
> quicksort.c work[...]
Is that your idea of functionality? Not mine.
Now look, I neglected to fully explain my stance (FWIW) in my previous post, but I think that the idea of GPL'd software along with the GNU ideals are bullshit. However, on the other hand, proposing that I take a step in your proclaimed "right direction" is very simply a self-deprecating anti-G{NU,PL} idealism.
By Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on