OpenBSD Journal


Contributed by jose on from the highlighted-files dept.

mada writes:
"Systrace is a nice way to spend a sunday but looking at its no colored syntax sucks. Here is a screen shot of what this sciprt looks like. So here is a syntax script for vim, have fun :) if you fix it up please email it to me."
This looks like yet another useful syntax highlighting markup to go along with the PF vim syntax file we talked about last year.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By gregf () on

    damn right baby!

    1. By AC () on

      What is that desktop? Looks awesome (modulo write browser of c00z)!

      1. By Akor () on

        You mean fluxbox ?

  2. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Uhh, looking at the screenshot, we see that the phrase was supposed to be "looking at its no colored syntax sucks goatballs."

    The "goatballs" just adds _so_ much more to the story, don't you think?

    1. By Anonymous Coward () on

      he's got mail! he's got mail! he's got mail!


  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    wY ;.: r Y;; vQ. BG 7 ,:G TO ;Z ; YTIv ; 9 Z 3r vv 3Y GT rO;Iwv7Y;YTT77w vYw TZw 3, . : ;YYOv :;;Y. ww7O T vYw; ;7YYTTG :G55 ;.wY :Y O w r :w7 .wrB: ; 3YI TT .Y9r ; ,r Zv ,; Y;. G :w; 5rw :;. 5 :G .7, rwY77vrv YY ;v . ;v59: ,v 3 .;;w ;TT w .5r, w:v: O vT w7 I T vr 7I7v v7 Z5 YT r. TOw,v7, ,, T SI r G 8 ,ww ;;. w G 9,5T w, ; v.vG ,vT 7; rZY3, wIY wr TROGDOR .YI5v :vvw the T 5 BURNiNATOR vY r O r;w: v:;;.

  4. By Anonymous Coward () on

    <br> wY ;.: <br> r Y;; vQ. <br> BG 7 ,:G TO <br> ;Z ; YTIv ; 9 Z <br> 3r vv 3Y GT <br> rO;Iwv7Y;YTT77w vYw TZw <br> 3, . : ;YYOv :;;Y. <br> ww7O T vYw; ;7YYTTG :G55 ;.wY :Y <br> O w r :w7 .wrB: ; 3YI TT .Y9r <br> ; ,r Zv ,; Y;. G :w; 5rw :;. <br> 5 :G .7, rwY77vrv YY ;v . ;v59: <br> ,v 3 .;;w ;TT w .5r, <br> w:v: O vT w7 I T vr 7I7v <br> v7 Z5 YT r. TOw,v7, ,, <br> T SI r G 8 ,ww <br> ;;. w G <br> 9,5T w, <br> ; v.vG ,vT 7; <br> rZY3, wIY wr TROGDOR <br> .YI5v :vvw the <br> T 5 BURNiNATOR <br> vY r <br> O r;w: <br> v:;;. <br>

  5. By Anonymous Coward () on

    wY ;.:
    r Y;; vQ.
    BG 7 ,:G TO
    ;Z ; YTIv ; 9 Z
    3r vv 3Y GT
    rO;Iwv7Y;YTT77w vYw TZw
    3, . : ;YYOv :;;Y.
    ww7O T vYw; ;7YYTTG :G55 ;.wY :Y
    O w r :w7 .wrB: ; 3YI TT .Y9r
    ; ,r Zv ,; Y;. G :w; 5rw :;.
    5 :G .7, rwY77vrv YY ;v . ;v59:
    ,v 3 .;;w ;TT w .5r,
    w:v: O vT w7 I T vr 7I7v
    v7 Z5 YT r. TOw,v7, ,,
    T SI r G 8 ,ww
    ;;. w G
    9,5T w,
    ; v.vG ,vT 7;
    rZY3, wIY wr TROGDOR
    .YI5v :vvw the
    vY r
    O r;w:

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