OpenBSD Journal


Contributed by jose on from the vancouver,-here-I-come! dept.

grey writes:
"Security nuts and OpenBSD users should think about attending CanSecWest ( ) next week. I know that this is short notice, but I hadn't seen a mention of it yet. It is taking place in Vancouver, Canada - April 9th through the 11th.

Previously, many OpenBSD developers have attended, and even spoken. Now in its fourth year expect more of the same. Theo will be speaking, and even deadly's very own Jose. That's in addition to a host of other speakers, some of whom are also OpenBSD contributors, and well keep in mind that the speakers list doesn't quite seem comprehensive either (though the animated GIF is a little fuller).

It is a one track conference, so you don't waste your money on talks that you can't attend due to being tied up in another one. There's lots to learn and plenty of good people to meet. Hopefully you'll agree with me that its worth the time and expense, in my opinion at least - it's a fantastic event."

I have to admit I'm looking pretty forward to going to this conference. OpenBSD and related people are typically there, representing the project pretty well.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Scott Muc () on

    Great! A cool conference coming to my town, but there's no way I can afford to go, nor would my boss pay for it (Windows network).

    I hope everyone who comes to our fair city has an enjoyable visit!

  2. By zil0g () on

    just my luck :/

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    I went to it last year. It was pretty cool to see all of these big names, but I don't think it was worth it to go unless you are willing to be a "human networker" and try to meet some of the people, which I was not (they all seem very friendly).

    I imagine Theo will give the same type of talk he gave to the Calg Unix users group.

    So, if you are willing to try to meet some people and have some beers, go, but otherwise I'd save the cash for other things, which is what I'm doing this year. Maybe next year I'll try again. (I'm not attending any conferences this year, but if I was it would be Cansec.)

    I was almost tempted just to go hang in the lobby, but I figured that was being a little silly.

    Vancouver is a great city and I'm glad we have this conference in Canada because it's top quality.


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