OpenBSD Journal

April Fool's Day Wrap-up

Contributed by jose on from the hot-potato-topics dept.

OK, whee! That was fun. Kudos to Todd Fries for several great ideas, Todd and Peter Valchev for great quotes, Henning for the story of the day, and even Todd Miller for a great story (too late to make our cutoff). Big kudos to everyone who got the jokes, but huge points to those that spotted the truth in all of the stories. Blah to anyone who didn't enjoy the jokes.

Real news will be returning in just a bit. Here's a rundown of what was on the page before we went overboard:

More news coming shortly!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    And now, OpenSSH 3.6.1 was also released, and there was much rejoicing.


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