OpenBSD Journal

OpenSSH 3.6 Released

Contributed by jose on from the get-your-crypto-here! dept.

According to the OpenSSH site , OpenSSH 3.6 has been released. Here's a brief rundown of the new features:
  • RSA blinding is done by default
  • scp now handles -1 and -2 (for protocol 1.5 and 2 forcing)
  • scp now can limit on bandwidth in the application itself
  • much, much more
This is also released in OpenBSD 3.3 ... time to upgrade your OpenSSH systems if you haven't! OpenSSH portable 3.6 is also out for non-BSD users.
UPDATE Markus tells me I forgot to mention that OpenSSH has a new t-shirt for the first time in 3 years.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By evets () on

    You can see the new shirt here:

    Order it via (North America) or (Europe)

    1. By Anonymous Coward () on

      Thanks guys.


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