OpenBSD Journal

Secure Programming Talk, April 3

Contributed by jose on from the yourland-security dept.

David Wheeler writes:
"I'll be giving a free presentation on writing secure programs on April 3, 2003, 6:30-7:30pm, in Baltimore, Maryland at the University of Baltimore campus. This is the rescheduled date for the earlier presentation that was announced on Bugtraq but got snowed out. It will focus on Linux & Unix, but the principles apply more broadly.

More details (directions, status, etc.) are here .

Copies of the slides will be here ."

Some of you may know David from his work as the author of the Secure Programming Guide for UNIX and Linux, which is a great read (and freely available, too). He's also the author of Flawfinder, a small program which can be used to analyze the source code of other programs.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    A bit OT, but I hope Some linux people start audting there code, maybe via sardonix, then it will be an interesting competitor

  2. By Anonymous Coward () on

    your a no name bitch, why would i want to listen to you talk about what you think is secure code.

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    If you did not show up for that, be glad you did not. There were all of about THREE things mentioned that even had to do with programing. The rest had to do with general computer security concepts, and he talked about DNS and HTTP and encryption (including SSH (and he never mentioned the word 'key')) I sure would like to know what ssh and HTTP have to do with secure programing

    1. By Anonymous Coward () on

      I have to concur. I think it will take me a while to get over the fact that I can never have that hour of my life back. It honestly would have been more worthwhile to sit in the corner and poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick...

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