Contributed by jose on from the database-kitchen dept.
All in all some useful stuff. MySQL is available in the OpenBSD ports tree.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jose on from the database-kitchen dept.
All in all some useful stuff. MySQL is available in the OpenBSD ports tree.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Chris Hedemark () on
But if you are looking for an alternative to Oracle, please do also check out PostgreSQL. We're actually migrating some huge databases out of Oracle onto PostgreSQL now and while it isn't quite as fast as Oracle, the feature set is there and the price difference makes the performance drop quite acceptable (in fact, it would be very easy to apply the savings to sexier hardware to make up for the difference).
MySQL has had a lot of problems compiling on OpenBSD especially if you aren't running x86 architecture. I have a lot of sparc64 servers to get the 64 bit pointers, larger caches, etc. and MySQL doesn't seem to play well on this platform yet. PostgreSQL seems much happier here.
By Me () on
By Fairy () on
MySQL is very unstable on FreeBSD as well.
By hairy () on
By ViPER () on is just one of my obsd servers that runs flawless with mysql.
Hell, i never ever had any problems what so ever.
By Heo () on
By d-boy-dusty-d () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By nils () on
By Bingo () on
By djm () on
By OpenBSD Troll () on
Hrmph .
I'll respond this obviously well-thought out and considered posting with a dissenting opinion.
I've personally used MySQL for years on OpenBSD (through several upgrades) as a back-end for a variety of web services (dynamic content, public forum, some web toys). It has never given me a lick of trouble. This server has been under low-to-medium load all it;s long life.
At work, we run dual OpenBSD servers to handle all mail for a largish corporation. One does all the spam filtering, and the other does the delivery. Both are powered by PostFix using MySQL as a backend for lookups and mail stashes. These are busy servers. Very busy.
The app I work on does not support MySQL via JDBC because of the lack of "real" prepared statements, but as a server-room workhourse, I cannot recommend MySQL more. It works well under load, under a variety of situations and platforms.
Of course, you are expected to tune it for optimal performance.
Yes, there was a problem with a potential crash with some versions of OBSD and some releases of MySQL. Though I never saw this problem myself (when running the "dangerous" combination) my understanding was that the OBSD team worked hard to solve the problem.
BTW, flat-out saying "Such and such Sucks!" without any attempt at providing evidence (however anecdotal) is lame.
I guarantee that I can make a solid MySQL system work on a busy server, and make it run better than a novice DBA could with PostGreSQL. Database applications are all about the DBA and the tuning.
By Ray Reese () russ at zerotech dot net on mailto:russ at zerotech dot net
However, when we presented this to my boss he merely laughed and assumed because it was Open Source, it was of "cheap quality." I did however have to remind him that more than 75% of Digex's core infrastructure runs off Open Source software, and that the very development tools we use the most like Perl and gcc, are Open Source. Still however, he declined. So I've been spamming him with 'switch' stories about Oracle. So far my big one is the whole .ORG domain registrar being moved to a PostgreSQL database from Oracle.
His rebuttle? "Maybe they couldn't afford Oracle."
So more switch stories will help :) <=>
By Anonymous Coward () on
Odds are the only thing you're going to
get from this butthead for trying to save
the company kilobux is fired.
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Yank () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Jedi/Sector One () on
It's about auto-incremented columns, something widely used as primary indexes. Snippet from the documentation :
"The behavior of the auto-increment mechanism is not defined if a user gives a negative value to the column or if the value becomes bigger than the maximum integer that can be stored in the specified integer type."
A fact is that auto-incremental columns always increment. Previous IDs don't seem to be reused even after deleting some rows.
That fact, plus the previous citation means to me that your databases will definitely stop working at a random date (when an auto-incremental column will overflow) .
And I've not seen any tool in MySQL to reorganize these columns in order to pack the IDs. And I don't see any reliable way to do it. Foreign keys allow to sync updates and deletes, and not to change keys.
How do people manage this?
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
For the record, the only MySQL database I've ever administered was not and is not anywhere near this particularly bit of idiocy, being only ~4000 records. Now I must hope that it stays that way...
By Anonymous Coward () on