Contributed by jose on from the spiced-ham dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by jose on from the spiced-ham dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Shane () on
By thugwar () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By mirabile () on
procmail - the OpenBSD-bmf-howto packaged with bmf
depends on using procmail.
Expect me to write a howto-alike tutorial within the
next few days, but I may not be able to release it to
the public before February - you may get it by emailing
me, tho.
By mirabile () on
Have fun!
By Anonymous Coward () on
/usr/libexec/ bmf: No such file or directory
So, any ideas how I can run bmf on 3.2?
By Anonymous Coward () on
Try bmf -n
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Inocid () on
By schubert () on
By Leif () on
Check out:
By tony () on
here is the snippit from my .procmailrc file:
:0 Wf
| /usr/bin/spamassassin -a
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
if you want the full thing, head over to
By trygve () on
By RC () on
Sure, the system HE uses to decide what is spam, and what is not, might not work for you, but that's nothing new... What's new is ``spamd" that wastes spammers' (or their relays') resources and time, which is better for everyone. Use whatever method you want to use to DETERMINE the blacklist, then use spamd, instead of plainly rejecting the email requests.
By Anonymous Coward () on
What about something that detects, using a black list server, a spammer and then reports to be an open relay? Then instead of relaying the spam, it sends it to the bit bucket. Has this been done? That might save a lot of people a lot of spam...
By Anonymous Coward () on
By Anonymous Coward () on
I tried to follow those directions long ago to get postfix working with procmail and I couldn't do it then. I've tried again now several months later after gaining much more experience with the OS but I still can't piece things together properly. There's just so much missing from the documentation.
There are so many things in the documentation that are missing I don't even know where to begin. Just a few things I can remember off the top of my head:
1. Where does the spamwall user come from? How is it created (with what settings)?
2. When did we make that procmail_log file mentioned in the example procmailrc? How was it made?
3. When did we do anything to create a /var/spam/current symlink that's rotated monthly and how was it made?
Also, it seems likely there would be a population out there that wouldn't want to set up postfix/procmail on a seperate mailserver that acts as a dedicated spamfilter for a huge company with several other mail servers. For those of us that would want to run the mail server and this spamwall on the same server what would we have to do differently?
Despite all this lacking explaination I've tried to perform the installation anyway and found it not to work... but when it fails I have no idea where to begin troubleshooting because there are so many open-ended problems to begin with.
--A frustrated fan
By jcs () on
(on a side note, i didn't submit this article to the page was more or less to document how it works rather than provide a step-by-step guide on how to recreate it.)
1. just 'adduser' it like any other user. make its home directory /home/spamwall or similar, put the procmail ruleset in this directory.
2. procmail_log is what procmail writes to (as the user 'spamwall') when it encounters errors. you don't need to make the file, procmail will make it when it needs to. keep an eye on this file; if it ever grows, something's broken.
3. it's just a simple shell script. it's not vital to the operation of the spamwall; you could just as easily make /var/spam/current a regular file and never rotate it.
if you don't want to setup a dedicated server for this, it could just as easily send mail locally instead of back out again to another mail server. just configure the domain as a local domain (add to 'mydestination') and postfix will deliver it locally for the last step instead of sending it through smtp.
if the setup doesn't work for you, check the postfix logs. they will probably detail what is happening when a piece of mail comes in. if you're still having problems, send me an email (listed on the document) and i'll try to help you out.
By Anonymous Coward () on
I tried going back and setting it up once again and got it working. Just as an FYI the place where I was slipping up was in the creation of the spamwall user. When I created to user I set it so the user had no shell and couldn't log in as I figured it could perform it's duty like that. Re-created the user with a shell/password and it's working. I guess it was that easy, thanks!
By arko sasongko () on
i clicked the link but i got a 404 not found error.
if the site is dead could u please tell me where i can find your information about postfix+procmail+spamwall ?
arko sasongko
By arko sasongko () on
i was wondering whether does the website about spamwall+procmail+postfix still exist?
cause when i clicked the link what it came out was a 404 error with the message the "Not Found
The requested URL /spamwall.phtml was not found on this server."
if the website is down, where can i find a related site with the info about setting procmail+postfix+spamwall?
thank you in advance
arko sasongko