OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 3.2 T-Shirt

Contributed by jose on from the clothe-yourself dept.

Peter Williams writes :
"Looks like a new OpenBSD T-shirt is out for the 3.2 release. "The 3.2 puffy, Agent 077, "secure not stirred" on the back", and the 3.2 artwork on the front"

Thanks OpenBSD!"

You know, the site says if you order more than 20 you get a discount ... *hrm*

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Eduardo Augusto Alvarenga () on


    You don't have permission to access /images/tshirt-17b.gif on this server.


    Apache/1.3.26 Server at Port 443

  2. By zil0g () on

    haha, I can hear the comments on it at the workplace, "what kind of game is that?" and "hah, what a toy OS" :-)

    A repeated question on the lists and otherwise is a more "professional" looking T, with simply "OpenBSD" in a small font to the left, wouldn't that be a good GP shirt?

    ... and sorry if I started up "I want a bumper-sticker" thread-from-hell again... :|

  3. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Lol, it's nice & funny! That must be admitted by me, but, i _don't_ like Bond/007. i already have a nice Openbsd t-shirt, maybe i'll get the next one (3.3?) if i like it more :)

  4. By Josh () selerius at codefusion dot org on

    ....if you don't like the shirt, why not pretend the shirt is EXACTLY what you wanted...and send the project a cash DONATION of 20 bucks....then you can pretend you ordered the REAllY nice shirt that is EXACTLY what you wanted......then just pretend the shirt got lost in the mail and never arrived....

    ....or you can just send the project a donation without pretending -- either way obsd gets more funding.

  5. By Anonymous Coward () on

    The octopus looks far too much like a small penis. (Sorry if i have now ruined it for others).

  6. By Anonymous Coward () on

    There is a 22% import tax for textile products! I can send the customs invoice to anybody interesed

  7. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Too bad they didn't do a shirt for 3.1. I liked the goth-rocker puffy.

    And I agree with the folks who have asked for more office type attire.


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