OpenBSD Journal

Getting Started with Radius

Contributed by jose on from the AAA dept.

A recent OnLamp article, tied to the release of the new RADIUS book from O'Reilly , introduces the topic. Getting Started with FreeRADIUS covers the basics of getting and installing the free RADIUS implementation. RADIUS provides authentication information for a variety of devices, and is another way to have central authentication in your hosts and servers. We have covered RADIUS in OpenBSD before, so using OpenBSD in RADIUS is possible.


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  1. By Anonymous Coward () on

    Interesting article. But I worry when the author of a book on matters concerned with security writes:
    In fact, to minimize the permissions granted to FreeRADIUS, use the user and group "nobody."
    Suggestion: user = nobody; group = nobody

    1. By Anonymous Coward () on

      What's wrong with that? Most daemons in obsd run as an unprivelaged user/group, how is this any different?

      1. By Anonymous Coward () on

        user nobody = used by default too much, so you might have several daemons using that same user. it's better if they each have their own users.

      2. By Anonymous Coward () on

        OpenBSD uses a different unprivileged user/group for every daemon. This is much better than using nobody

          1. By Anonymous Coward () on

            If ever unprivileged daemon uses as nobody, one hacked daemon can influence all other daemons running as nobody. Plain simple.


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