OpenBSD Journal

fw_update(8) gains support for arbitrary dmesg files

Contributed by rueda on from the got-dmesg? dept.

Hitherto, fw_update(8) has gathered system information largely from /var/run/dmesg.boot (on the host on which it is invoked).

Andrew Hewus Fresh (afresh1@) has committed a change which allows specifying an arbitrary dmesg file. The commit message explains the rationale:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2025/03/21 18:33:34

Modified files:
	usr.sbin/fw_update: fw_update.8 

Log message:
Allow using a different dmesg for driver detection

This also solves an issue that jmc@ was having with installing
downloaded firmware. (thanks for reporting)

It also adjusts detecting the OpenBSD version from the dmesg
instead of from sysctl while still allowing sysupgrade to override.

I see two main uses for this, the first being downloading firmware
to be used on a machine that doesn't have access to download for
itself.  The other would be for testing detection of devices in a
dmesg for a machine you don't have or that is hard to test such as
from the installer.

This is a very welcome change indeed!

At least one of the editors (and we suspect several of our readers) would have saved quite a bit of time while installing our favourite operating system on hardware that requires firmware that for some reason is not included in the install media, such as some recent-ish laptops.


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