OpenBSD Journal

OpenSMTPD 7.6.0p0 Released

Contributed by rueda on from the delivered by Puffy dept.

Omar Polo (op@) has announced the release of version 7.6.0p0 of OpenSMTPD.

The changes (including the table protocol change on which we reported earlier) are:

 - Introduced a new K_AUTH service to allow offloading the credentials
   to a proc table for non-crypt(3) authentication.  Helps with use
   cases like LDAP or custom auth.

 - Implement report responses for proc-filters too.

 - Changed the table protocol to a simpler text-based one.  Existing
   proc tables needs to be updated since old ones won't work.  The new
   protocol is documented in smtpd-tables(7).

 - Fixed the parsing of IPv6 addresses in file-backed table(5)

 - Document expected MDA behavior and the environment set by OpenSMTPD.

 - Set ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT in the environment of MDA scripts for
   compatibility with postfix.

 - Updated the bundled libtls.

See the release announcement for full details.

(Comments are closed)


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