OpenBSD Journal

rpki-client 9.2 released

Contributed by rueda on from the key-route dept.

Sebastian Benoit (benno@) announced the release of version 9.2 of rpki-client, the essential component for routing security.

See the full announcement for further details.

Here are some key excerpts from the release announcement:

This release includes the following changes to the previous release:

- Ensure synchronization jobs are stopped when the timeout is reached.

- Fix a corner case in repository handling. If the last RRDP repository
  failed to load, rpki-client would fail to fall back to rsync due to an
  ordering bug in the event loop.

- Improve detection of duplicate file paths. Only trigger a duplicate
  error if a valid path is revisited otherwise a bad CA could prevent
  legitimate files from being considered valid.

- Normalize internal representation of the caRepository to have a
  trailing slash and ensure that the rpkiManifest is a file inside it.

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