OpenBSD Journal

Game of Trees 0.102 released!

Contributed by grey on from the heeding John Gilmore's warnings dept.

Version 0.102 of Game of Trees has been released and the port updated.

From the release notes:

* got 0.102; 2024-08-14
  see git repository history for per-change authorship information
- support for sha256 repositories; the network protocol requires git(1) for now
- gotwebd: add support for the "owner" file
- gotwebd: fix the README link in the summary view
- fix handling of .gitignore files containing empty lines
- fix handling of files without trailing newline in histedit, rebase and merge
- gotd: allow numeric UIDs in permit/deny rules, as intended
- gotd: support numeric UIDs in the `user' directive
- fix comment handling and explain quoting in the *.conf.5 man pages
- tog: add ability to mark arbitrary commits to diff them
- print file index and work tree version in got info'`

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