OpenBSD Journal

LibreSSL version 3.9.2 released

Contributed by rueda on from the splat dept.

The LibreSSL project has announced the release of [bugfix] version 3.9.2 of the software:

We have released LibreSSL 3.9.2, which will be arriving in the
LibreSSL directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon.

It includes the following change from LibreSSL 3.9.1:

 * Bugfixes
   - OpenBSD 7.5 errata 003. A missing bounds check could lead to a crash
     due to dereferencing a zero-sized allocation.

The LibreSSL project continues improvement of the codebase to reflect modern,
safe programming practices. We welcome feedback and improvements from the
broader community. Thanks to all of the contributors who helped make this
release possible.

(Comments are closed)


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