OpenBSD Journal

Candlelit Console patch set to the framebuffer console

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the all night long dept.

Crystal Kolipe writes in about her work on the framebuffer console, and provides an article on

… how to add a 'night mode' to the OpenBSD framebuffer console to give the text a yellow tint for more comfortable night time viewing, along with quite a few other cosmetic tweaks such as adding support for strikethrough text and double underlining. The article explains how to dynamically adjust the colour pallette, add a new sysctl value, and add a new escape sequence to the console emulation code in the kernel.

The patchset is currently available for OpenBSD 7.0 and 7.1:

"Candlelit console"

Have fun!

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  1. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    *thumbs up*

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