OpenBSD Journal

Meet Radiant Award Recipient Claudio Jeker

Contributed by rueda on from the radiant pufferfish dept.

The Internet Security Research Group and partners have announced that Claudio Jeker (claudio@) is the third Radiant Award recipient. From the announcement:

We’re excited to announce the third Radiant Award recipient, Claudio Jeker.

When we at ISRG think about the greatest threats to Web security today, the lack of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) security might top our list. Claudio's passion for networking, his focus on security, and his talent as a software developer are enabling him to make great contributions to fixing this and other Web security problems. In particular, he is making great contributions to OpenBSD and OpenBGPD.

Congratulations Claudio!

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    1. By Amit Kulkarni (amitkulz) on

      Congratulations! Very glad to see a OpenBSD hacker get due recognition for their work!


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