OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD crossed 400,000 commits

Contributed by rueda on from the that's what we call commitment dept.

Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) posted to tech@:

Sometime in the last week OpenBSD crossed 400,000 commits (*) upon all
our repositories since starting at 1995/10/18 08:37:01 Canada/Mountain.
That's a lot of commits by a lot of amazing people.

(*) by one measure.  Since the repository is so large and old, there are
a variety of quirks including ChangeLog missing entries and branches not
converable to other repo forms, so measuring is hard.  If you think
you've got a great way of measuring, don't be so sure of yourself -- you
may have overcounted or undercounted.

Congratulations and thanks to all who contributed!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Mikel Misy (MikelMisy) on

    Is there actually a place on earth where they use apostrophes for thousands separators in numbers?


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