OpenBSD Journal

Smartisan becomes Iridium Donor for 2019

Contributed by rueda on from the give-until-it-hurts dept.

Ken Westerback of The OpenBSD Foundation wrote in with some excellent news on the 2019 fundraising campaign:

The OpenBSD Foundation is excited to announce that it has received its largest ever donation. Smartisan has topped its own previous record donation with a 2019 donation of CDN$380,000.00. This makes Smartisan the first Iridium level donor of 2019.

Smartisan has donated tickets sales from its new product launch events to the open source community since 2014. This year Smartisan chose to donate some of the proceeds to the OpenBSD Foundation.

We thank Smartisan for its very generous support! This donation will allow the Foundation to fund many exciting initiatives in OpenBSD and related projects over the next few years.

As we've noted before, this donation does not preclude others from contributing!

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