OpenBSD Journal

join-ing any open wifi network is now possible

Contributed by rueda on from the join us on the air dept.

Peter Hessler (phessler@) has committed changes to make it possible to join any open wifi network:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2019/01/18 13:24:59

Modified files:
	sys/net80211   : ieee80211_ioctl.c ieee80211_ioctl.h 

Log message:
let users automatically use join to connect to any open wifi network.
if a known network is visible, always prefer that instead.

requested by many, OK stsp@
Module name:	src
Changes by:	2019/01/18 13:25:35

Modified files:
	sbin/ifconfig  : ifconfig.8 ifconfig.c 

Log message:
let users automatically use join to connect to any open wifi network.
if a known network is visible, always prefer that instead.

requested by many, OK stsp@

The ifconfig(8) (and hostname.if(5)) syntax is join "".

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Will Backman (bitgeist) on

    So if I understand correctly, just take your existing wireless config file and append one line to it.
    join “”


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