Contributed by pitrh on from the early bird gets the treat dept.
CD's arrived today UK. Thanks again.
In a followup message, Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) announced that pre-orderers have a special treat in store:
A note all who are receiving their CDs before the official release day.We are opening up 5.8/packages on the download mirrors today, so that people receiving the release early can install packages.
The rest of the 5.8 release files will come out on release day.
That's a perk exclusively for loyal supporters who preorder: you get packages for the release before anybody else. The rest of us will have to wait until the release, which is set for October 18th.
Meanwhile on Twitter, Nayden Markatchev got his set on October 4th:
Two decades of dedication to quality, simplicity, and software freedom #OpenBSD
— Nayden Markatchev (@nayden) October 4, 2015
And remember, even if you didn't get around to ordering early, you can still get OpenBSD 5.8 CDs and other swag from the OpenBSD Store and help fund the project.
Update 2015-10-14: Note that several patches for problems corrected post-release are available.
(Comments are closed)
By vvim (unisoftdesign) on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
This means that text boxes are difficult (in my case, impossible) to see if you use a different system colour scheme, because they don't have the borders (rounded corners only, as per the official iWeb 2.0 specification, the poor kids of today will cut their eyes looking at them!).
And the confirmation mail is entirely a HTML message, meaning I couldn't read anything on it at all.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> This means that text boxes are difficult (in my case, impossible) to see if you use a different system colour scheme, because they don't have the borders (rounded corners only, as per the official iWeb 2.0 specification, the poor kids of today will cut their eyes looking at them!).
> And the confirmation mail is entirely a HTML message, meaning I couldn't read anything on it at all.
Maybe you should bring your concerns to those who run the store, instead of posting on a site that has no functional connection?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
I disagree for two reasons. The first is that the store has been known to respond to this site.
It also serves people like myself, who visit the site, by letting us know how things are going with this store run by Zedmax. After the substantial complaining when version 5.6 was released, complaints still roll in about the service provided for those who order version 5.7 and 5.8. I see that I'm not the only one who continues to be disappointed with this one single store that is now OpenBSD's only current official outlet. I, for one, find such valuable information to be helpful, and am appreciating the feedback.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> This means that text boxes are difficult (in my case, impossible) to see if you use a different system colour scheme, because they don't have the borders (rounded corners only, as per the official iWeb 2.0 specification, the poor kids of today will cut their eyes looking at them!).
> And the confirmation mail is entirely a HTML message, meaning I couldn't read anything on it at all.
I stopped ordering because of the website and difficulty using it. Eventually I assume someone will get something better, like the previous distribution web site that closed-up.
By Noryungi (noryungi) on
Now, to upgrade all my machines...
By Noryungi (noryungi) on
> Now, to upgrade all my machines...
By the way: "Made In Canada, Eh". Nice touch!
By L A Barr ( on
> Now, to upgrade all my machines...
I agree! This release has a very nice shinny/polished feel and vibe to it. (I know there used to be a Beatles' CD around here somewhere. I will have to track it down for background music while working on the updates.
A hearty thank you to the entire OpenBSD team for 20 years of awesome work!