Contributed by phessler on from the filter me multiply dept.
One of our new developers, Alexandr Nedvedicky (sashan@), writes in to tell us about his trip to the lovely locale of Calgary for c2k15.
It's been an honor for me to spend a week with OpenBSD developers. I'd like to thank to mikeb@, who somehow made it happen. I've tried not to slack too much, committing all small bugfixes to PF, we've found in past, while porting PF to Solaris. There is still one more patch to come, I'm basically waiting for O.K. from bluhm@.
The week I've spent in Calgary helps me to better understand what needs to be done in order to get our fairly big Oracle SMP patch into CVS. I must slice it into smaller chunks of compact changes so puffy will not choke up with it.Thank you Sasha, I'm sure our readers are excited for the upcoming patches to be integrated.
From a process point of view PF follows same pattern as other OSS projects adopted for Solaris. However this time things are bit different, as PF is kernel module, so more care is needed to push our changes back to upstream. I'm really glad OpenBSD finds our changes useful and provides me with guidance how to get our changes back to upstream.
For those that are interested in learning more about the Solaris work that I'm involved in, please have a look at my team's recent blog posting
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