OpenBSD Journal

Call for Testing: Valgrind on OpenBSD

Contributed by tbert on from the valgrind-out-some-xp dept.

Masao Uebayashi (uebayasi@) has given us a call for testing cleverly disguised as a quick how-to on using valgrind natively on OpenBSD:
  • Use the latest OpenBSD/amd64 and devel/valgrind (valgrind-3.10.1p5).
  • Dynamically link your target program.
    • Valgrind overrides some functions (alloc, free, string, memory) in libc using $LD_PRELOAD.
  • Embed symbols (cc -g).
    • Otherwise Valgrind reports problems using symbols.

After giving an example run, Maseo lets us all know that this is still a work in progress:

Other complex programs (using fork, chroot, network syscalls, etc.) are likely to fail. Please don't hesitate to ask questions/report problems to me.

The editors are certainly salivating over the possibility of valgrinding our way to victory.

(Comments are closed)


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