Contributed by tbert on from the whats-french-for-twofer dept.
On this week's episode of BSDNow, Marc Espie (espie@) talks about dpb, OpenBSD's distributed package builder, which runs the binary package builds in Theo's basement. He talks about why it came about, the security measures built in, and the minimalistic and works-out-of-the-box configuration, among other things.
The hosts also talk about their experiences at the recent BSDCan, and, ss usual, they have the roundup of the news, big and small, in the world of all things BSD.
(Comments are closed)
By Marc Espie (espie) on
It's not as if I didn't post umpteen messages to ports and tech about those changes before the interview, or talked about it in dedicated channels. But nope, no editor picked it up until after this interview aired...
By journeysquid (Tor) on
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
By sneaker ( on
> It's not as if I didn't post umpteen messages to ports and tech about those changes before the interview, or talked about it in dedicated channels. But nope, no editor picked it up until after this interview aired...
How can we help? Somebody give me an admin login...
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on
By phessler (phessler) on
> >
> > It's not as if I didn't post umpteen messages to ports and tech about those changes before the interview, or talked about it in dedicated channels. But nope, no editor picked it up until after this interview aired...
> How can we help? Somebody give me an admin login...
you don't need an admin login, submit the stories.
By Just Another OpenBSD User ( on