OpenBSD Journal

CfP extended for EuroBSDCon 2015

Contributed by tbert on from the heroism-is-calling-for-papers-will-you-pick-up dept.

Due to overwhelming response, the deadline for submitting talks to EuroBSDCon has been extended:

Since there was a huge rush of submissions just on the very last day, we have decided to give a second chance for all of you that didn’t quite finish your talk or tutorial proposal in time for the deadline.

The new date is set to May 22nd, but you don’t have to wait until the very last moment. Send in your suggestions right away. We think there still is room for some more topics related to *BSD left to present.

For those of you who already have sent in yours, we are very happy to see so many good submissions. Don’t hesitate to add another topic to your submissions if you haven’t run out of good ideas yet.

If you've been sitting on that paper, now's the time to ship it!

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