Contributed by tj on from the does-it-scale dept.
Seth writes in to announce the OpenBSD booth at this year's SCALE 13x conference:
The OpenBSD vendor booth rides again this February at Scale 13x. As usual, we'll be peddling OpenBSD merchandise including the much sought after 5.6 CD sets, t-shirts, books, coffee mugs, posters and stickers.
Stop by to shoot the bull, stuff the donation jar, or just straighten out that keel with a shot of 'Puffy-go-go-juice' fresh from our on-site espresso machine. (Sadly, our drone shipment of Puffy-Bolivian-marching-powder is not going to make it this year)
If you can help staff the booth for at minimum 2-3 hours on both Saturday and Sunday, there's a free conference pass waiting on arrival with your name on it. Developers preferred, but anyone with a modicum of social skills is welcome to volunteer. Email for more info.
It's being held on February 19th-22nd at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport in Los Angeles, California.
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