Contributed by tbert on from the divert-all-power-to-the-shields dept.
For more than four years I have been using and tinkering with OpenBSD’s divert(4). At one point after OpenBSD 4.9 was released, I ran into an annoying bug in divert(4) that totally prevented me from using it. At the time I had no idea how to fix it, so I did the next best thing by filing a detailed bug report.
Eventually I realized that the bug isn’t going to fix itself, so I decided it was time to roll up my sleeves and wade into the code. So after 2.5 years of on-and-off tinkering and staring at the code and head-scratching and facedesking I finally fixed it, thanks to a ton of help from Bret Lambert (blambert@). The problem turned out to be due to checksums, which is another interesting topic but that’s a story for another day.
Mr. Teo promises more on the subject soon, so read the whole thing, and keep slavering for more!
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By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on