OpenBSD Journal

We're at 5.0-beta, it's snapshot testing time

Contributed by mitja on from the βήτα dept.

Peter Hansteen was the first to write in that earlier today (July 18, 2011), Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) switched the version string in -current, taking us to 5.0-beta:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2011/07/18 01:07:52

Modified files:
	sys/sys        : param.h 
	sys/conf       : 
	share/mk       : 
	sys/arch/macppc/stand/tbxidata: bsd.tbxi 

Log message:
take us to 5.0-beta

Which of course means, this is the perfect time to start testing snapshots off your friendly neighborhood mirror, if it's not in your almost-daily routine already.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By chris cappuccio (chriscappuccio) on

    sweet. openbsd is at 5.0 now! linux is only at 3.0. fuck it in a bucket!

    1. By sneaker (sneaker) on

      > sweet. openbsd is at 5.0 now! linux is only at 3.0. fuck it in a bucket!

      Fuck that shite!. I say skip 5-7 and go straight to 8.0!!!!

      Who's with me, stick a fork in this branch, cause it's done!

      FuckYeahBSD 100.0

  2. By Tamotsu (tamo) on

    I'll be testing it, but is GNATS working?
    Querying and reporting didn't work yesterday.

    1. By Otto Moerbeek (otto) on

      > I'll be testing it, but is GNATS working?
      > Querying and reporting didn't work yesterday.

      Don't let the gnats obstruct testing.

    2. By phessler (phessler) on

      > I'll be testing it, but is GNATS working?
      > Querying and reporting didn't work yesterday.

      please send problems to bugs@

  3. By Lukas (lukves) on

    i look to daily changelog and see that my gfx card Radeon HD 5450 is suported , maybe its time to put openbsd to my desktop pc with encrypt /home .. this would be better than linux :)

    1. By Mark Peoples (gamarco) on

      > i look to daily changelog and see that my gfx card Radeon HD 5450 is suported , maybe its time to put openbsd to my desktop pc with encrypt /home .. this would be better than linux :)

      the 5450 isn't really supported. i only sent in enough bits to get it to attach as a radeon(4), tricking it into thinking it had an older gpu. it works to some extent, but expect problems

      1. By Dan Farrell (danstermeister) on

        > > i look to daily changelog and see that my gfx card Radeon HD 5450 is suported , maybe its time to put openbsd to my desktop pc with encrypt /home .. this would be better than linux :)
        > the 5450 isn't really supported. i only sent in enough bits to get it to attach as a radeon(4), tricking it into thinking it had an older gpu. it works to some extent, but expect problems

        And there folks, is the real reason it's better than Linux or any other system- straight-up honesty.

      2. By Lukas (lukves) on

        yes its true,, the radeon is connected with radeondrm0 but xorg dont start and in /var/log/Xorg... is error non scren found.. and suported are only 4xxx radeons


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