Contributed by maxime on from the porting-the-future dept.
William Yodlowsky (william@) announced on the announce@ mailing list that the OpenBSD project will shortly be providing -stable updates for the 4.6 ports tree:
From: William YodlowskyTo: Subject: 4.6-stable ports Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 23:05:37 -0400 We are happy to announce that 4.6-stable ports will soon be receiving security updates and fixes. Please note that this also marks the end of updates to 4.5-stable ports, as we are supporting the presently-available release only.
Thanks, William, for your work on -stable ports!
(Comments are closed)
By Richard Toohey (richardtoohey) on
What can we do to help?
By han (grincheux) on
I hoped such news for a while, thanks very much, guys.
lately, I was a bit disapointed when I read that the sell of cds had plunged, as far as I know OpenBSD( from my end-user and desktop user point of view), this release is likely the best one you've done since the 3.9 release, my first contact.
Regarding the ports, the next step might be to provide your (beloved) supporters with meta-packages.
By Brynet (Brynet) on
This is really good news. :-)
By Nima Hoda (Nima) on
> This is really good news. :-)
Yes it is!
Is there a way to find out which mirrors will carry updated packages?
By Anonymous Coward (templeto) on