OpenBSD Journal

New Ports of The Week (March 30)

Contributed by maxime on from the logging-your-fingerprints dept.

There were 12 new ports for the week of March 23 to March 29:


Some ports had updates that users should be aware of. No port was removed.

New ports, listed in the order they were committed to the tree:

  • devel/p5-POE-Component-PubSub
    • POE::Component::PubSub is a generic publish/subscribe POE::Component that enables POE::Sessions to publish events to which other POE::Sessions may subscribe.
  • audio/mp3splt-gtk
    • mp3splt-gtk is a gtk2 application using libmp3splt to split mp3 and ogg files without decoding, selecting begin and end time positions graphically, from CDDB/.cue files, or via silence detection.
  • security/libfprint
    • libfprint is an open source software library designed to make it easy for application developers to add support for consumer fingerprint readers to their software.
  • sysutils/login_fingerprint
    • login_fingerprint provides a fingerprint authentication mechanism through libfprint. You can basically use it to login to you system with a fingerprint instead of your password.
  • devel/p5-YAML-Shell
    • This module supports the ysh command. It is not to be used in any general way as a Perl module.
  • Gettings Things GNOME (GTG)
  • productivity/gtg
    • Gettings Things GNOME (GTG) is a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop environment; it focuses on ease of use and flexibility, while keeping things simple.
  • www/php-openid
    • The PHP OpenID library lets you enable OpenID authentication on sites built using PHP. It features the OpenID consumer, Store implementations, and an OpenID server.
  • devel/py-decorator
    • The aim of the decorator module it to simplify the usage of decorators for the average programmer, and to popularize decorators by showing various non-trivial examples.
  • www/py-repoze-profile
    • This package provides a WSGI middleware component which aggregates profiling data across *all* requests to the WSGI application. It provides a web GUI for viewing profiling data.
  • www/py-wsgiproxy
    • WSGIProxy gives tools to proxy arbitrary(ish) WSGI requests to other processes over HTTP.
  • devel/teensyloader
    • The Teensy Loader program communicates with your Teensy board when the HalfKay bootloader is running, so you can download new programs and run them.
  • x11/un-fonts
    • Un-fonts comes from the HLaTeX type1 fonts made in 1998 by Koaunghi Un, he designed type1 fonts to use with Korean TeX(HLaTeX) and released them under the GNU GPL license.
      They were converted to TrueType with FontForge(PfaEdit) by Won-kyu Park in 2003.

Updated ports that users should be aware of:

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Markus Peloquin (incripshin) on

    The commit message had a typo. That's vsftpd-2.1.0. That would have been quite a jump.

  2. By Martin ( on

    Happy Birthday, OpenBSD Journal!

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    It's April 1! This should have a joke post, like announcing the inclusion of ndiswrapper in ports. Or better yet, in the base system. :-)

    1. By Maxime DERCHE (maxime) on

      > It's April 1! This should have a joke post, like announcing the inclusion of ndiswrapper in ports. Or better yet, in the base system. :-)

      I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, noone submitted a good joke this year, and the members of the team are really really busy these days...

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > > It's April 1! This should have a joke post, like announcing the inclusion of ndiswrapper in ports. Or better yet, in the base system. :-)
        > I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, noone submitted a good joke this year, and the members of the team are really really busy these days...

        There weren't that many good ones this year.

  4. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    How do I coerce Firefox 3 to let me login into my undeadly account in OpenBSD?
    It tells me the certificate is invalid and refuses to add an exception.

    1. By Anonymous Coward (2a01:348:108:155:216:41ff:fe53:6a45) on

      > How do I coerce Firefox 3 to let me login into my undeadly account in OpenBSD?
      > It tells me the certificate is invalid and refuses to add an exception.
      > :(

      not sure why, but some people (me included) don't seem to have any problems, others do. you can try importing the cacert root though which might help:

      go to and download the class 1 "Root Certificate (PEM Format)". then edit/preferences/advanced/encryption and click "view certificates". go to the authorities tab, click import, select the file you saved, on the next page set it as being valid for signing web server certificates.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > go to and download the class 1 "Root Certificate (PEM Format)". then edit/preferences/advanced/encryption and click "view certificates". go to the authorities tab, click import, select the file you saved, on the next page set it as being valid for signing web server certificates.

        Thank you, I can login now. OpenBSD is supposed to include CAcert certificates by default.

        I wonder why this only happens to some.

        1. By Anonymous Coward (2a01:348:108:155:216:41ff:fe53:6a45) on

          > Thank you, I can login now. OpenBSD is supposed to include CAcert certificates by default.

          Firefox has its own certificate database, it doesn't use OpenSSL's. It includes such fine CAs as the one who issued the bogus certificate with validation, but not CAcert.

          > I wonder why this only happens to some.

          I know I have tweaked settings to stop me wanting to throw a brick at Firefox whenever I try and open a page with a self-signed cert, maybe that has something to do with it.

           user_pref("browser.ssl_override_behavior", 2);
           user_pref("browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert", true);

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