OpenBSD Journal

More on OpenOffice 3.0

Contributed by jason on from the peter-gibbons-has-to-work-on-saturday dept.

Ian Darwin (ian@) wrote in with a nice summary on the state of OpenOffice 3 and other office suites available for OpenBSD.

In case you've missed it, is a complete office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, slide show, graphics, database, and more. Originally written by StarOffice - a small company in Germany that Sun Microsystems acquired in 2000 - is free and open source; Sun also sells a supported version under the StarOffice name. is largely compatible with other commercial office suites, and includes the ability to read and write most of their proprietary binary formats (the current version can read MS Office 2007 files like pptx and docx, but can only save the older formats ppt and doc). Its native format is Open Document, an XML-based document representation originated largely by Sun, OpenOffice and OASIS. The Open Document format is formally standardized as ISO/IEC 26300:2006, and is accepted by all reasonable office suites these days (you may need a plug-in to read it under Microsoft Office, because Microsoft naturally have their own, competing format, the confusingly-named Microsoft "Office Open" XML format).

Thanks to a lot of hard work by Robert Nagy (robert@), and some testing and help by others, OpenOffice.Org 3.0.1 is now available for -current, at least on i386 and amd64. It's slicker than 2.4, bigger, has more features and more templates, fixes lots of bugs, undoubtedly introduces a few more, is up and running on -current, and will be in packages for 4.5. As previously mentioned, after the 4.5 release, the older openoffice (2.4) port will be removed.

Here are some things you should know:

If you have a .openoffice.org2 directory, you should rename it before the very first time you run OOo3. If you do not, OOo3 will import all the old settings and, unfortunately, it appears that doing so sometimes makes OOo3 become unstable. Once I undid this (by removing my directory), OOo3 became really stable. Just be aware that things like your bibliography references (if you've used this feature), any new templates you've created, and so on, are stored in this directory, so keep the old directory and copy over any individual files you need.

The crash recovery is, alas, not much improved from 2.4.

The spelling dictionaries, the PDF importer (with which I've not had much luck), and two extras for presentations - a "minimizer" Tool for removing unused stuff from presentation files, and a two-monitor presentation controller - are installed but not enabled out of the box. To enable them, go into Tools->Extension Manager, click Add, navigate to /usr/local/openoffice.org3/share/extension/install, click the one you want, and click Accept. Unfortunately you can only install one at a time. And at present they only work on i386, not amd64.

Should you decide to build OpenOffice3 from source for your own use rather than using the provided packages, be sure to set your ulimits really high - some of the build tools run very slowly if you do not. As well, selecting the no_lang FLAVOR will save a lot of time, if you don't need the extra language support. It takes several hours to build OpenOffice; typically at least as long as to build the entire base system, so the pre-built packages are definitely your friend.

Because OpenOffice is free software, you can give it to your friends. There is a version that runs on that operating system from Redmond; if you have Windows-locked friends, this may be a good tool in some cases for helping them learn about Open Source without having to change everything at once.

OpenOffice is not the only fancy documentation tool for OpenBSD. Should you not find it to your liking, we also have the KDE suite koffice (in x11/kde/office), another office suite that aims to handle Open Document. AbiWord (editors/abiword) is not a full office suite, but a word processor that can also read MS Word files. And there are TexMaker (editors/texmaker) and Lyx (print/lyx), full-screen editors for TeX/LaTeX documents. At the other end, we have vi in the base system, several vi- and emacs-family editors, and troff support in the base system. There are several text-based slideshow programs, including MGP (misc/magicpoint). OpenBSD gives you the choice. My choice for shorter documents is vi. But (in part because one of my main clients requires MS-office-format files and is always sending them to me in that format), my choice for longer documents is OpenOffice.

Thanks to Robert, Ian and all of the other porters that make OpenBSD a great desktop system. Show your appreciation for their work by placing your 4.5 pre-order when they become available.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward (2a01:348:159:1:290:27ff:feb8:cc26) on

    Thanks very much! Look forward to testing :)

  2. By Wouter (2001:888:1b6b:b0e::6965:6b73) on

    I read in the CVS changelogs that in order to get OpenOffice to build, you had to set gcc to use setjmp()/longjmp() for exception handling. This actually stunned me. Not only does it make C++ code compiled with exception-handling enabled awefully slow, it also introduces quite the exploitable hole (change a pointer in memory, cause an exception, and presto).

    My question: will this be permanent? How can I help in fixing this issue?

    1. By Damien Miller (djm) on

      > it also introduces quite the exploitable hole (change a pointer in
      > memory, cause an exception, and presto).

      The ability to "change a pointer in memory" is an exploitable hole all by itself.

      1. By Anonymous Coward (2001:888:1b6b:b0e::6965:6b73) on

        > > it also introduces quite the exploitable hole (change a pointer in
        > > memory, cause an exception, and presto).
        > The ability to "change a pointer in memory" is an exploitable hole all by itself.

        Absolutely. However, the use of sjlj for exception handling means that any corrupt-a-pointer-on-the-stack hole becomes a code-execution hole all by itself.

        Windows' structured exceptions (SEH) work in a similar way, and let's just say that the huge amount of checking code behind it nowadays (checking if the registered exception handler really is inside a loaded module, etc..) is there for a reason.

        The usual way to handle exceptions on UNIX derivatives (unwinding information in a read-only portion of memory) is a lot less susceptible to attacks.

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Pedantry: The original company was StarDivision, the product was StarOffice.

  4. By wepy ( on

    "It's slicker than 2.4, bigger, has more features and more templates, fixes lots of bugs, undoubtedly introduces a few more..."


    1. By Edward F. Ahlsen-Girard ( on

      > "It's slicker than 2.4, bigger, has more features and more templates, fixes lots of bugs, undoubtedly introduces a few more..."
      > :(

      Come on. Which Office suite has ever introduced a major release without new bugs?

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > > "It's slicker than 2.4, bigger, has more features and more templates, fixes lots of bugs, undoubtedly introduces a few more..."
        > >
        > > :(
        > Come on. Which Office suite has ever introduced a major release without new bugs?

        You're missing the point. We're OpenBSD advocates. We want small, cleanly-written programs that do their job with a minimum of frills. "Slicker", "bigger", and "more features" is the antithesis of the OpenBSD philosophy.

        1. By Boemlauwe Bas ( on

          > You're missing the point. We're OpenBSD advocates. We want small, cleanly-written programs that do their job with a minimum of frills. "Slicker", "bigger", and "more features" is the antithesis of the OpenBSD philosophy.


  5. By James (jturner) on

    I just installed oo3 from packages on amd64 -current and enabled the spell checker extension, which seems to work just fine, fyi.

  6. By Ian@ ( on

    Historical note: after Oracle swallowed Sun, OOO was briefly available as Oracle Open Office, but Oracle's stewardship of the trademark and other issues resulted in a community fork called LibreOffice taking many of the core developers; Oracle then turned the code and trademark over to the Apache Software Foundation, where it remains.
    See the history and derivatives chart on Wikipedia:
    as well as the individual articles:
    Note that most BSD's ports trees switched from OOO to LibreOffice after the fork.

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