Contributed by jason on from the is-that-a-drive-in-your-pocket-or-are-you-just-happy-to-see-me dept.
Alexander Yurchenko (grange@) updated want.html with a request for SCSI drives. He wants to finish up the ips(4) driver but needs your help. Please email him directly if you have any 68-pin SCSI drives to donate.
Update: Alexander has received enough responses to satisfy his requirements. Thanks to everyone who donated!
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: www Changes by: 2009/01/10 03:07:15 Modified files: . : want.html Log message: All my old scsi drives seem to be dead and i could definitely use some working drives to finally finish the ips(4) driver.
(Comments are closed)
By grange ( grange@ on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Wow, that was quick.
By wim wauters (unisoftdesign) on
> Wow, that was quick.
Too quick for me too :-)
I'll prepare a stocklist, ready for next the time this come up.