OpenBSD Journal

OpenCON 2007 // Call For Sponsors

Contributed by merdely on from the give-us-money dept.

Announcing a Call for Sponsors for OpenCON: The only conference fully dedicated to OpenBSD.

Last year's conference was a great success and also featured the party for OpenBSD's 10th birthday with project leader Theo de Raadt and a lot of developers. We would like to be able to meet and exceed your expectations this year too!

As usual the conference will be in Venice and this year we plan to have one additional day for tutorials:
* 30 November 2007 - Tutorial Day
* 1-2 December 2007 - Conference

In previous years, we organized the conference with a FREE ENTRANCE policy. To do so this year, we are looking for SPONSORS.

Sponsors: we would be happy to discuss any type of agreement, including: distribution of merchandising, appearance of your logo, t-shirts, and everything you may imagine. Obviously we can provide a valid EU receipt for your tax duties.

Please spread the word among your friends, OpenBSD friendly companies, ISPs that offer OpenBSD servers for rent or hosting, and any big company that you think should sponsor the event. Don't wait, do it now :)

Anyone interested in sponsoring this event please contact ed at with a subject line 'OpenCON 2007'.


(Comments are closed)

  1. By Kurt Seifried ( on

    I'd be willing to donate $100 if it is guaranteed that the money is spent on beer (and not crap beer, but good beer).

    1. By The Anonymous Coward himself ( on

      > I'd be willing to donate $100 if it is guaranteed that the money is spent on beer (and not crap beer, but good beer).

      Would free beer (as in free speech, no as in free beer) suit you ?

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > Would free beer (as in free speech, no as in free beer) suit you ?

        "Free Beer is a beer which is free in the sense of freedom, not in the sense of free beer."

        Now I'm really confused, is that freedom as in freedom fries ?

    2. By guly ( on

      > I'd be willing to donate $100 if it is guaranteed that the money is spent on beer (and not crap beer, but good beer).

      speaking as OpenCon official homebrewer i can tell you that there will be good beer.
      soon on a couple of pics and the receipe :)


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