OpenBSD Journal

3 years of undeadly!

Contributed by deanna on from the feedback dept.

It's been three years since the old went down and Daniel Hartmeier resurrected the site as You can read the whole story on the about page, where you can also download the source code and view graphs and statistics. Just in the past year there've been several improvements such as user accounts, job listings, frequent developer blogs, and new icons. What else would you like to see? Leave us a note here with your feedback, and thanks for all the article submissions!

PS - don't forget that if you appreciate what you find here, you can always send Daniel a donation to defray some of the operating costs.

PPS - Undeadly is fueled by the community (not only monetarily) but all the content is either submitted by readers or editors. If you are doing something even mildly interesting and it is OpenBSD related please please submit it as a story. Even bare story ideas are helpful. We would love to see more HOW-TO's for new features (road warrior IPsec anyone) or even well prepared old features. Even the story on your journey to making some random feature work is relevant and wanted.

If you want to see more and/or better content it is up to YOU the reader to pitch in. There are a bunch of people that say 'I can't write code but I would like to help OpenBSD.' Well here is your opportunity. Anyways enough preaching. I have a rock to climb back under. -- Sean

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Han ( on


    Undeadly has been a great addition to news-outlets like OSnews and kerneltrap. And it talks a lot about my favourite server OS. ;-)

    And with this amount of community input I bet it will be about for many years to come.

  2. By Karl Sjödahl (Dunceor) on

    I was very sad to see Deadly go away and one of those that was 100% sure it was a April fool's joke so when Daniel stepped up it was great.

    It's fun to see that OpenBSD is more alive then ever and there are a lot more posts at undeadly than there ever were at deadly. Undeadly has for sure helped make OpenBSD more known to a bigger crowd.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. By jkm ( on

      > I was very sad to see Deadly go away and one of those that was 100% sure it was a April fool's joke so when Daniel stepped up it was great.

      Yep. That is one April fool's (no)joke that i will not forget..


  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Happy B-Day to undeadly ;-]

    3 years without a sec-hole in any of the newslines... :-p

    Well jokes apart.
    Stuff I would like to read about would be propably "current" development.
    Not about the check ins into the CVS. More about current Driver development and also interviews propably with the developers about the PRO and Contra of the HW they try to support and how friendly the companies are.

    Or propably Interviews with Developers about things wich may could come true. It may would inspire people to donate or help if they would know what`s getting developed. Propably... :)

    1. By tmib (tmib) t m i b AT x s 4 a l l DOT n l on

      Congrats undeadly!

      > Not about the check ins into the CVS. More about current Driver development and also interviews propably with the developers about the PRO and Contra of the HW they try to support and how friendly the companies are.

      Yes, I would like that too. I consider myself somewhat of a mediocre evangelist myself, although (hopefully) not as obnoxious as some of the Linux fanboys (/grrls?). I would like to know which companies are forthcoming in providing docs and sourcecode to drivers and firmware and where the problem area's are. I sometimes follow discussions on mailing lists, but it would be cool to hear it via a short blog-type post, which have been appearing on undeadly frequently lately. Anyway, keep up the good work!

      And yes, I know the 3.9 "Blob" song, and the events which lead up to that song...

  4. By Anonymous Coward ( on


  5. By tom ( on

    congratulations - keep the good work up!

  6. By Andrew Fresh (andrew) on

    The only feature I really would like is a "Show stories with new replies since my last login" button. I did download the source, but as I am a C noob, and don't have a lot of time, I didn't get anywhere with it.

    Other than that, I think you are doing great, I wish I had more stories to contribute. Maybe there could be requests for specific stories from the community? Something like "How has the 'it just works' philosophy of OpenBSD helped you?"

    1. By Dean ( on

      > The only feature I really would like is a "Show stories with new replies since my last login" button.

      Exactly. Something along old comments are on a very light grey background and new comments since last login/(or set time) are on a white background. Then scrolling through an expanded story lets you pick up new stuff quickly.

      That may only be important when posts exceed n>50.

      1. By Marc Balmer ( on

        > > The only feature I really would like is a "Show stories with new replies since my last login" button.
        > Exactly. Something along old comments are on a very light grey background and new comments since last login/(or set time) are on a white background. Then scrolling through an expanded story lets you pick up new stuff quickly.
        > That may only be important when posts exceed n>50.

        I am totally sure this feature can be implemented. I think it's a three to five days work. Who steps up sponsoring this? I mean, put in real money, not the occasional 50 bucks.

  7. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    How about adding a mod_rewrite rule to redirect any requests with a referrer header back to slashdot? That way we could avoid 250+ comment long threads full of "teh GPL is teh r0x" posts from slashtards.

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      this one has my vote. lol.

      All jokes aside. Some features I would like to see is to bound the text into a box if it exceeds my screen width so that I don't have to scroll horizontal. I can only handle scrolling vertically :)

      and as previously posted highlighting new posts based on my last login time.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        forgot to say that I love this site and to keep up the good work. Much appreciated :)

    2. By Brynet (Brynet) on

      > How about adding a mod_rewrite rule to redirect any requests with a referrer header back to slashdot? That way we could avoid 250+ comment long threads full of "teh GPL is teh r0x" posts from slashtards.

      Well, They are

      I myself would like the ability to edit comments for users who are signed up...

  8. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    This site is great!

    I want to see HTTPS, with verisign or thawte signed certifivates! And a secure feed for the errata rss feeds!

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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]