Contributed by deanna on from the puffy baba and the 41 shirts dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by deanna on from the puffy baba and the 41 shirts dept.
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By tmib (tmib) t m i b AT x s 4 a l l DOT n l on
Now, puh-lease let is be a black one, or a really dark colour. I didn't like the white 4.0 one (I use it only in case of extreme T-shirt shortage).
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Now, puh-lease let is be a black one, or a really dark colour. I didn't like the white 4.0 one (I use it only in case of extreme T-shirt shortage).
I'd like a black one too... Especially if I could get the wire frame one in black.
By Dave Steinberg (redterror) on
By Renaud Allard ( renaud @ on
I also think that the logo on the front should be small and reflect the version, like the 3.5 for example.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
A tint of red wouldn't be too bad, though ;)