Contributed by deanna on from the it needs an icon dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by deanna on from the it needs an icon dept.
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By Anonymous Coward ( on
Something ought to be done about that...
Why isn't it possible to restrict's memory access - i.e. only to those memory segments and IO ports allocated to the graphics hardware? Of course,'s horrendous PCI-scanning/probing will not work, but that's really no loss since most drivers can be configured manually, IIRC.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> physical memory access breaks these models (see Loic Duflot’s
> paper at CanSecWest’06).
> Something ought to be done about that...
> Why isn't it possible to restrict's memory access - i.e. only to those memory segments and IO ports allocated to the graphics hardware?
> Of course,'s horrendous PCI-scanning/probing will not work, but that's really no loss since most drivers can be configured manually, IIRC.
get a clue -- read the papers.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> physical memory access breaks these models (see Loic Duflot’s
> paper at CanSecWest’06).
> Something ought to be done about that...
> Why isn't it possible to restrict's memory access - i.e. only to those memory segments and IO ports allocated to the graphics hardware?
> Of course,'s horrendous PCI-scanning/probing will not work, but that's really no loss since most drivers can be configured manually, IIRC.
What's the difference? If I can convince the DMA engine or sprite
engine on a graphics card to overwrite any portion of memory? I mean,
I draw an exploit pattern onto a portion of the screen, and then get
the card itself to store it back to a portion of kernel memory...
By David Chisnall ( on
Most graphics hardware is capable of DMA transfers these days. This means that the hardware can write directly to (or read from) any part of physical memory. If you restrict the driver's address space using the CPU's MMU (as you do for all processes), then this doesn't prevent it from instructing the device to DMA data to or from anywhere else. Sometimes, you even want this (for example having the device read a texture or pixmap from a program's address space).
More modern machines (latest x86-64 systems, and a lot of SPARCs) come with an IOMMU[1], which does the same thing for hardware that the CPU's MMU does for processes. If the drivers were written to be aware of this (which might require a modification of the driver model; I'm not intimately familiar with, then the kernel could control the IOMMU and open up just the required windows on behalf of the driver.
[1] AGP specifies an IOMMU in the form of the GART, but I believe this is quite primitive. It is mainly used to allow the kernel to allocate a block of main memory to use as graphics RAM.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Kernigh ( on
Now I have a newer macppc machine, a PowerBook5,4 which dual boots Mac OS X, but mostly runs OpenBSD. It was Xorg 6.8.2 (OpenBSD 3.7) replacing XFree86 4.4-lite (OpenBSD 3.6) that fixed a bug in accelerated X. Now I can have accelerated X (but no Xrender 2D acceleration) just by doing...
mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /somewhere/else
...and Xorg configures itself for 16bpp graphics. Using the xrandr command I can comfortably change the screen resolution, that once-impossible task.
OpenBSD does not have DRI, so I cannot do accelerated 3D. Linux/macppc users (who often switch distros) tell me that DRI with the ATI cards in Macintoshes usually crashes the operating system. The real problem here is ATI not providing documentation.
It is nice to know that OpenBSD still cares about multiplatform X.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
(next time please include some contact info? :)
By Deanna Phillips (deanna) on
Oops. The paper was written by matthieu@, the OpenBSD X maintainer and an Xorg developer. (That's matthieu at openbsd org).