Contributed by sean on from the low-latency-flame-exchange-opportunity dept.
The European BSD Conference, September 14 & 15 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark
FreeBSD - NetBSD - OpenBSD - MAC OS X - DragonFlyBSD
Call for Papers
Are you doing interesting things with a BSD based operating system?
Come to Copenhagen and talk about it!
We are looking for papers about all aspects of BSD based operating systems, and would particularly like to hear from people who can tell our audience something about:
* How and why should you try a BSD based operating system ?
* BSD based products, how, why, what: good & bad.
* How to manage BSD based systems, operational issues, scaling, updates, patches, auditing and reliability.
* What are the BSD developers working on now ?
* Using BSD based systems to thwart the bad guys.
Send us a couple of paragraphs with an outline of your proposed talk and a bit about yourself to: papers contact email address - anti spam png before February 1st 2007.
Practical Information
EuroBSDCon 2007 is organized by the the usual gang from the BSD-DK user group and our aim is to make it affordable and high quality.
Speakers attend the conference for free and we will reimburse speakers travel and lodging if nobody else will pay for it.
We will aim to finalize the programme and notify the selected speakers by April 1st 2007.
We will not waste money and trees on printed proceedings but will distribute the conference material electronically and expect to receive your final slides no later than 4 weeks before the conference. Please let us know if you want to include other materials (Articles, HOWTO etc)
There will also be a "Works In Progress" session during the conference for short talks about recent developments etc.
If we can arrange it, all talks will be videotaped (unless the speaker objects).
You can at all times find more info about the conference, travel, accommodation and more, at the conference website
The conference programme is in the capable hands of:
* Poul-Henning Kamp <> - Old Fart
* Kristen Nielsen <> - Board member DKUUG
* Lennart Sorth <> - Security Nerd, UNI-C
* Robert Watson <> - FreeBSDs default member of all sorts of things
* Ole Guldberg Jensen <> - Darwinist
* Michael Knudsen <> - OpenBSD
* Emmanuel Dreyfus <> - NetBSD
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By mk ( on
> OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
> conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
The only way to prevent it from becoming such a conference is having
a lot of OpenBSD talks there.
By adelfino ( on
> > OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
> > conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
> The only way to prevent it from becoming such a conference is having
> a lot of OpenBSD talks there.
So you become it an OpenBSD one.
By Wim ( on
> OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
> conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
The European event has nothing to do with the Canadian FreeBSDCan that you went to... different organisers, program and prices.
As somebody who has been on the PC or OC of all the previous EuroBSDCon events in Europe except the first one in the UK, I can safely say this event is not dominated by FreeBSD but this shitty attitude like yours makes it really difficult to recrute OpenBSD speakers. 2005 was a great success because we went to great lengths getting convincing a lot of developers to submit papers and it's currently the benchmark.
The Italian event this year is a black hole that needs to be avoided.
OpenCon a is completely different target audience... if you fail to see that I see why you did not bother to contribute to that event either.
By nillo ( on
> > OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
> > conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
> The European event has nothing to do with the Canadian FreeBSDCan that you went to... different organisers, program and prices.
> As somebody who has been on the PC or OC of all the previous EuroBSDCon events in Europe except the first one in the UK, I can safely say this event is not dominated by FreeBSD but this shitty attitude like yours makes it really difficult to recrute OpenBSD speakers. 2005 was a great success because we went to great lengths getting convincing a lot of developers to submit papers and it's currently the benchmark.
> The Italian event this year is a black hole that needs to be avoided.
> OpenCon a is completely different target audience... if you fail to see that I see why you did not bother to contribute to that event either.
> Wim.
I really enjoyed EuroBSDCon 2005, there was a large OpenBSD presence and lots of great talks. I also had some interesting conversations with FreeBSD folks, some of whom were on the same return flights as me. Wim and Marc Balmer did a great job organising it. I'd love to submit a paper for the 2007 event, and I encourage other developers to consider doing so as well.
By Marc Balmer ( mbalmer@openbsd.ort on
> OpenCon ( instead of going to yet another
> conference dedicated to FreeBSD.
We stepped out of EuroBSDCon 2006 because the main organizer, Max Stucchi, failed to communicate with us. We tried for months to get informations about the progress of the conference, but he was not responding. I was on the OC/PC, but the organizer never let me know any details.
While we generally support EuroBSDCon, we had no other choice but to step down in 2006. The person organizing it is just a moron. He had not the goals of EuroBSDCon in mind, but he only wanted to promote his own personality.
After the very successful 2005 event, it is very sad to see how a single asshole could drown the whole thing down the pipe. It was a mistake to let Max Stucchi organize the 2006 event.
I am totally confident that the 2007 event is in good hands now and that it will become a success. Support it, if you can.
Marc Balmer, EuroBSDCon 2005 Organizer
By Dunceor ( on
The con is very far in the future though so hard to tell if I will be free that weekend =)
Looks like it will be a great conferance though.