OpenBSD Journal

NYCBSDCon 06 Audio available

Contributed by marco on from the bob-is-hot dept.

Nikolay Fetissov recorded all NYCBSDCon presentations. If you fancy to hear some of the OpenBSD developers yap go to the audio and slides repository.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Hmmm... "One of these kids is not like the others."

    [Murray Stokely: Challenges that we face at Google.] NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL APPROVED BY GOOGLE

    And I'm sure we are all just dying to hear that.

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > Hmmm... "One of these kids is not like the others."
      > [Murray Stokely: Challenges that we face at Google.] NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL APPROVED BY GOOGLE
      > And I'm sure we are all just dying to hear that.

      Actually that was rather interesting talk.

    2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      I'm wondering if that was the challenge they face ?

  2. By frantisek holop ( on

    where are the slides for "Jason Dixon: BSD Is Dying." ? :)
    sounds like there were some funny pics...

    1. By sean ( on

      > where are the slides for "Jason Dixon: BSD Is Dying." ? :)
      > sounds like there were some funny pics...

      He is working on a 'special release.'

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > He is working on a 'special release.'

        Being adapated into a major motion picture? :-)

        1. By George ( georgeATnycbugDOTorg on

          > > He is working on a 'special release.'
          > Being adapated into a major motion picture? :-)

          Actually, if you knew his presentation had hundreds of slides, you'd realize that Jason D providing his slides is no minor task.

          He even had to hire a moving company to get them to NYC.

          Of course most slides only had one word on them. . . ;-)

          But seriously, from what I understand, Jason is doing some additional work on the slides that will make it more than worth the wait.

          The humor of it all is that when he proposed the talk, it took me a while to realize he was serious. . . .

          1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

            > > Being adapated into a major motion picture? :-)
            > >
            > Actually, if you knew his presentation had hundreds of slides, you'd realize that Jason D providing his slides is no minor task.

            This is what I heard and I was kind of trying to foreshadow it. Some day I will learn that subtlety never, ever carries on undeadly. :-)

          2. By Daniel Melameth ( on

            > Actually, if you knew his presentation had hundreds of slides, you'd realize that Jason D providing his slides is no minor task.
            > He even had to hire a moving company to get them to NYC.
            > Of course most slides only had one word on them. . . ;-)
            > But seriously, from what I understand, Jason is doing some additional work on the slides that will make it more than worth the wait.
            > The humor of it all is that when he proposed the talk, it took me a while to realize he was serious. . . .

            Looking forward it its release! The audio alone is 50 percent laughter so... ;)

            1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

              It would be nice to know what everyone was laughing at

  3. By Luis ( on

    Thanks Nikolay for the recordings! I'm really enjoying listening to these talks.

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > Thanks Nikolay for the recordings! I'm really enjoying listening to these talks.

      Yep nice talks. But the quality is quite low. Think its because of the low bitrate encoding.
      Are there higher q encs available? Willing to host'em, if it's a bandwidth/traffic thingy.
      If the q is so low because of the recording, i would support a motion for an effort so supply better recordinggear for OpenBSD events.

    2. By Luis ( on

      > Thanks Nikolay for the recordings! I'm really enjoying listening to these talks. Same goes to all of the speakers for making their presentation material available. I'm really digg'en Bob's "Holly" system monitoring front end. Way cool. Does anyone know if Bob plans to release "Holly"?

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